The Zeiss Lightsheet 7 for 3D imaging of live and cleared samples.
This microscope provides fast and gentle imaging of living model organisms, tissues, and organoids as well as fixed optically cleared specimens. Specimens can be up to 2 cm in size and at any refractive index between 1.33 and 1.58 compatible with most clearing solutions. Acquires lower resolution overview images or whole volume subcellular resolution.
High quantum efficiency detectors enable observations of the fastest processes at the lowest illumination light levels. The light sheet geometry illuminates only the parts of the sample you are imaging, greatly reducing photobleaching and phototoxicity. You'll get a real-life view of your samples without the adverse effects of excitation light on their biology.
- Double side illumination objectives with single detection objective
- Environmental module with CO2, humidity, and temperature control
- Four imaging chambers for imaging live or fixed and cleared samples in broad range of sizes
- Two PCO Edge 4.2 cameras with 16bit sCMOS sensor, 2048x2048 pixel density, 5µs to 5s exposure time, and maximum frame rate of 40fps at full resolution.
- Four fluorescence imaging channels (blue, green, red, and far red).
- Advanced acquisition and analysis software operating of Lightsheet computer (Zeiss Zen Black- acquisition) and two high end workstations; WS1 (Zeiss Zen Blue, Arivis Vision4D), and WS2 (Imaris 10). All three computers are interconnected with 10Gbit fiber-optic allowing for fast transfer of data to either WS1 or WS2.
Water Dipping Objectives:
- W Plan-Apo 20x/1.0 D, NA=1.0, WD=2.4mm - This objective is designed for dipping into physiologic salt solution. The correction collar is used to adjust small deviation of refractive index in the range of nD from 1.33 to 1.36.
- W Plan-Apo 10x/0.5, NA=0.5, WD=3.7mm - This objective is designed for dipping into physiologic salt solution.
Dry Objectives:
- EC Plan-Neofluar 5x/0.16, NA=0.16, nD=1.33-1.58 - This objective is designed for over the air imaging. The correction collar is used to correct refractive index in range of nD from 1.33 to 1.58.
- EC Plan-Neofluar 5x/0.16, NA=0.16, WD=18.5mm – This objective is designed for over the air imaging. For use with Translucence chamber (requires adaptor).
- Fluar 2.5/0.12, NA=0.12, WD=8.7mm - This objective is designed for over the air imaging. For use with Translucence chamber (requires adaptor).
Clear Dipping Objectives:
- Clr Plan-Neofluar 20x/1.0 Corr, NA=1, WD=6.4mm, nD=1.53 - Suitable for imaging samples processed with clearing methods with nd=1.53 +/- 0.05; for example U.Clear, Ce3D, Cubic Cancer.
- Objective Clr Plan-Neofluar 20x/1.0 Corr, NA=1, WD=5.6mm, nD=1.45 - Suitable for imaging samples processed with clearing methods with nd=1.45 +/- 0.05; for example FocusClear TM.
- LSFM 5x/0.1 foc - Pair of illumination objectives with correction collar for refractive index adjustment from nD of 1.33 to 1.58.
- LSFM 10x/0.2 foc - Pair of illumination objectives with correction collar for refractive index adjustment from nD of 1.33 to 1.58.
- 405nm
- 488nm
- 561nm
- 638nm