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The Instructional Design team provides services to help faculty design quality face-to-face, blended, or online courses or programs. Whether developing a new course or program, transitioning courses to an online or blended format, improving an existing course, seeking Quality Matters certification, or meeting accessibility and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) standards, the designers have the skills to help.

What We Can Do for You


Collaborate with clients to design and develop engaging courses that incorporate relevant technologies to enhance learning activities, assessments, and instructional materials to promote successful achievement of the learning objectives.


Provide instructional design and pedagogy support throughout the course design, delivery, and revision process by discussing options for content delivery, assessments, or activities.


Advise on applying Quality Matters standards, developing or improving courses, implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and making content accessible.


The Office of Learning Technologies offers an exciting and informative series of workshops primarily focused on online and blended course design and teaching. Visit the Workshops webpage to learn more.

Articulate Storyline

Storyline is a slide-based authoring tool used by instructional designers to create interactive content. Instructors can request features that enhance engagement in their course materials, such as drop buttons, dials, sliders, and hotspots. Visit the Articulate Storyline 360 webpage and submit a Storyline Activity Request today.

  • The Office of Learning Technologies helped me structure my course design efforts much more effectively. By working on a regular schedule with a course designer, I was able to make a sustained effort toward revising my course rather than waiting until the last minute. After working with the Office of Learning Technologies, I have not only a much better designed online course, but also a set of templates for structuring future courses—and not just online courses. eLearning offers a unique, hands-on, service that is tailored to the concrete needs of teachers who need help developing or revising a specific course.

    Andrew Keitt, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor Department of History
  • The design team of Learning Technologies are experts in their craft and respect my position as a content expert.  They are the easiest people to work with on campus!   They have assisted me in becoming a better instructor and I appreciate their support and great ideas.

    Martha Earwood, MSCJ

    Teaching Assistant Professor J. Frank Barefield, Jr. Department of Criminal Justice
  • From the office assistant to the head of the department, each and every one of those individuals love being there and they love helping the UAB community. I am less than proficient in anything technology-related and the instructional designers are all amazing at breaking down super complex and unfamiliar ideas into something that not only makes sense but also makes sense in your course. I have been teaching, creating, maintaining, and developing courses for quite a while and I have never enjoyed or learned so much from the process. I cannot recommend the Office of Learning Technologies enough.

    Victoria Dawkins, MSLS

    Instruction Librarian Mervyn Sterne Library 

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