Explore UAB

T. Brown

The UAB CEM program taught me about self-motivation, perseverance, and the ability to force myself to finish the work.

D. Turbyfill

I always felt restricted at my job without any formal training. Because of the decision that I made to pursue this CEM degree, I have numerous options available and can choose for myself my future career path

L. Ford

Having this CEM degree program on my resume set me apart from others. I received two promotions before graduating. I truly believe in the power of education.

N. Norman

I selected the CEM program because there were people from all over the world that had great student testimonials about how earning this degree advanced their career. I wanted those same opportunities and selecting UAB was the best experience ever.

J. Nicholson

I learned a heck of a lot from the CEM program and was able to apply it at my job. My new construction management skills were quickly noticed by my company. I received a promotion not long after finishing my first semester, which also included tuition reimbursements. I appreciate what UAB has done for my career.

S. Heil

The CEM program has exceeded my expectations. I liked that the course content was challenging, very diverse in construction methods, and required critical thinking to solve problems. It provided another layer of depth to my professional growth and knowledge of project management.

E. Patterson

I believe that the CEM program did an excellent job of combining the technical aspects of construction engineering with the management skills for overseeing projects. I feel that the knowledge gained will help me accelerate my career within this very competitive construction industry.