Above: Left to Right: Rachelle Hall, Cindy Joiner, LaKisha Mack and Shane Wiley at the GBA/GIP meeting.
Two leaders from the Heersink School of Medicine—Senior Associate Dean of Finance and Administration LaKisha Mack and Director of Finance Shared Services Rachelle Hall—joined two leaders from the DOM—Vice Chair Dr. Cindy Joiner, and Executive Administrator Shane Wiley—to facilitate a session on shared services at the AAMC Group on Business Affairs and Group on Institutional Planning 2022 Joint Spring Meeting. Their presentation outlined how the School, HSF Practice Plan and Department worked together to create shared services programs, addressing funding models, sustainability, leadership and structure, challenges and lessons learned. We salute them for their leadership in this national venue!
More Good News for May 13, 2022
Elizabeth Jackson, M.D., (Professor and Interim Director, Cardiovascular Disease) was accepted as a Fellow in the 2022-2023 Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine Program, a prestigious program for women in leadership.
Shikha Mehta, M.D., (Associate Professor, Nephrology) has accepted an invitation to chair the American Society of Transplantation's Education Committee, working to advance AST's mission by engaging the society's communities of practice.
Darryl Outlaw, M.D., (Assistant Professor, Hematology and Oncology) now directs a new Inpatient Medical Oncology Service. This will enable 24/7 medical oncology consultative support and increase the depth and breadth of oncology training for our residents.
Elizabeth Westfall, MPH, will be the new Division Administrator for Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine (PACCM), effective June 13, 2022. She currently serves as the administrator for the UAB Lung Health Center, a role she has held for more than 10 years.
Sankalp Arora, MBBS, (PGY-2) and colleagues have found HMA/Ven therapy for patients with acute myeloid leukemia is associated with tumor lysis syndrome and infectious complications. Thus, inpatient admission for close monitoring during initiation of HMA/Ven may be justified.
Nephrology Ph.D. student Kylie Heitman received a Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to investigate the direct effects of phosphate on skeletal muscle using primary cell culture and animal models with nephrology mentor Dr. Christian Faul.