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Clinical Op WebL to R: Karen MacPherson Harrison, Registered Dietician and Certified Diabetes Educator and Amy Warriner, MD, Professor and Medical Director for UAB Weight Loss Medicine Clinic

The UAB Diabetes Prevention Program is now recognized as a fully accredited program site since opening in July 2019. Amy Warriner, MD, Professor and Medical Director for the UAB Weight Loss Medicine Clinic and Karen MacPherson Harrison, Registered Dietician and Certified Diabetes Educator, spearheaded the UAB Diabetes Prevention Program with the goal of going beyond a prescription and training individuals to live in a way that defeats diabetes.

More Good News for April 23, 2020

April is giving month, and time to consider the mission of the UAB Benevolent Fund: providing support to our UAB family and community. Donations help fund the UAB Employee Emergency Assistance Program, stock the Blazer Kitchen, and much more. Gifts of every size can make a difference. Give today.

Each year, the ACGME asks our residents to evaluate our Internal Medicine Residency Program. DOM is delighted to report that our training scores were 100% "very positive" in residents' overall evaluation, and 100% would probably (7%) or definitely (93%) choose the program again.

Dozens of hospital supporters gathered Thursday afternoon for the ribbon-cutting of the newly renovated Intensive Care Unit at Whitfield Regional Hospital. Steve Stigler, MD (Professor, Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine) administrates the tele-ICU from UAB Hospital in Birmingham. The WRH’s facility will be the first external ICU in the state.

Katie Alexander, PhD (Assistant Professor, Gastroenterology & Hepatology) recently published a study in GastroJournal finding that Crohn's Disease patients display strong adaptive immune response to human-derived Lachnospiraceae flagellins, which may be targeted for prognosis and future personalized therapies.

The UAB Cardiovascular Institute (CVI) has received Healthgrades Specialty Clinical Quality Awards for Cardiac Care and Cardiac Surgery. The Healthgrades program evaluates hospital quality with regard to conditions and procedures based solely on clinical outcomes. Congrats!

Many of our colleagues are currently celebrating the holy month of Ramadan as a part of their Muslim faith. Aadia Rana, MD (Associate Professor, Infectious Diseases) shares details of this sacred month and her experience observing Ramadan in an academic medical environment.

Continuing a series of essays on happiness, this week Dr. Well-Be points out that “being in the moment” increases our happiness. He suggests that if we want to learn to be present in the moment, we should try the M&Ms. (No, not that kind!)

Wayne M. Sotile, PhD, will present "Coping Energy Renewal: Proven Strategies for Sustaining Resilience Through Crisis and Beyond” at noon on Wednesday, April 28, via Zoom.