L to R: Kevin G. Dsouza, M.D.; Ishan Lalani, M.D., MPH; Joseph B. Barney, M.D.; Maria del Pilar Acosta Lara, M.D.; Kelli Montz, BSN, RN; Lanier O'Hare, Ph.D.
UAB's Multidisciplinary Sarcoidosis Clinic directed by Joseph Barney, M.D., (Professor, Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care) has joined the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research as a founding member of their Global Sarcoidosis Alliance. Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease characterized by the formation of granulomas in one or more organs of the body. The alliance was designed to create a network for patient and clinician education, to promote the sharing of information to advance new therapies, and to develop a collaborative referral network.
More Good News for February 03, 2023
Payne Elected as SSCI Fellow
Greg Payne, M.D., Ph.D., (Assistant Professor, CVD) was elected as a fellow for the Southern Society for Clinical Investigation in recognition of his meritorious scholarship in exploring vascular biology and inflammation. Well deserved, Dr. Payne!
UAB Cystic Fibrosis Program Approved for Accreditation
The UAB Cystic Fibrosis Program led by Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care faculty Drs. Bryan Garcia, Stefanie Krick and Pediatrics Professor Dr. Wynton Hoover was granted full accreditation by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Great work, team!
Lu Named 2023 Pittman Scholar
Rui Lu, Ph.D., (Assistant Professor, Hematology & Oncology) has been named one of five Pittman Scholars in the School to support his research in the mechanisms underlying leukemia development aiming to identify new targeted therapies. Congrats, Dr. Lu!
Rapid Development of a COVID-19 Clinical Trial Infrastructure
Paul Goepfert, M.D., (Professor & Director, Infectious Diseases) and colleagues outline the infrastructure deployed to support the randomized clinical trials needed for approval of COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Mike Saag authors a related invited commentary in JAMA.