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Students at the UAB Heersink School of Medicine devised an Honor System so they may be held to the same high standards of accountability in the confines of their training that they will be expected to meet in practice.

Students are expected to avoid any sort of academic or professional misconduct. They are expected to demonstrate respect for the rights and well-being of others, including students, faculty, staff, patients, and members of the community. In addition, all members of the school community are obligated to take positive action to ensure that the failure of others to comply with these standards is not permitted. 

Formal action, when necessary, will be taken in accordance with the Honor Code.

Reporting a Violation

If you think you may have witnessed a violation, you are bound by the Honor Code to report it to an Honor Council member immediately. Your identity will not be revealed unless the case goes to trial.

When reporting, disclose ONLY:

  1. Your name
  2. Your status (MS1, MS2, MS3, MS4, faculty or staff)
  3. The class of the individual in question (MS1, MS2, MS3 or MS4)

Do not reveal the name of the student or individual in question, nor any information about what happened.

The Honor Council member will then contact the Chair, who will appoint a Fact Finder from the Council. The Fact Finder will contact you to gather information, then he/she will also (confidentially) contact the Student in Question and any potential witnesses to get more information. The Fact Finder will then present the case, without names, to a small committee of honor council members, called the Preliminary Review. The Preliminary Review will decide if there is sufficient reason to conduct an Honor Council Review.

If not, the case will be dismissed. If so, the entire Honor Council will convene to hear accounts from all involved, which is called the Honor Council Review. It is only at the time of the Honor Council Review that the names of the Student in Question and the Reporting Student will be revealed.

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Council Make-Up

The Honor Council consists of twenty-two (22) elected members:

    • Five (5) reps from the 1st-year class
    • Five (5) reps from the 2nd-year class
    • Six (6) reps from the 3rd-year class*
    • Six (6) reps from the 4th-year class*
    • Four (4) reps from the faculty

*Third-year and fourth-year reps will typically include three (3) from the Birmingham campus, one (1) from the Huntsville campus, one (1) from the Montgomery campus, and one (1) from the Tuscaloosa campus.


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