We plan and host clinical and research undergraduate summer programs that provide an enhanced scientific and professional preparation for students aspiring toward a career in medicine or biomedical sciences. The listed programs provide discipline-specific training and opportunities for smaller-scale connections within the overall community.
Cystic Fibrosis Summer Research Program (CF SURP)
This is an 8-week program funded by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to introduce outstanding undergraduates to basic and translational research that is impactful to CF.
Up to 8 students will be accepted into this CF-focused, paid summer program to work with faculty affiliated with the UAB Gregory Fleming James Cystic Fibrosis Research Center. CF SURP students will be given the opportunity to learn a wide range of research skills, with the potential option of a clinical or clinical research shadowing experience for up to 5 days. Students will receive a stipend.
Blazer Broadening Representation And Inclusion in Neuroscience (Blazer BRAIN)
Kidney, urology, and hematology Undergraduate Research Program (KUH KURE)
KUH KURE - Kidney, Urology, and Hematology (KUH) Undergraduate Research Experience program is an NIH funded Summer Research Program giving you the opportunity to learn about advances in kidney, urology, and non-malignant hematology research and be mentored in your own research project in a lab by the University of Alabama at Birmingham's renowned KUH community of investigators. This 12-week program (3 weeks are virtual) allows you an in-depth experience in the field of biomedical research.
Cancer Partnership Research Training Program
The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) invites honors-level undergraduate/post-baccalaureate students majoring in a scientific discipline with interest in cancer medicine, basic cancer research, cancer health disparities, or similar to participate in its eight-week Partnership Research Summer Training Program (PRSTP)
More program information can be found on the program flyer and PRSTP application. Paper applications are available. If would like a paper application, please email Dennis Otali, Ph.D. or Upender Manne, M.S., Ph.D..
Cancer Research Immersion Student Program (CRISP)
Sponsored by the Partnership of Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM), Tuskegee University (TU), and the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), CRISP seeks to introduce undergraduate students to cancer research, including research on cancer disparities, via training, mentoring, and coursework. Through participation in designated seminars and workshops, research students will be able to enhance their knowledge, scientific techniques, and expertise in cancer and cancer research. This paid summer program provides an intensive eight-week, in-person, mentored research experience and also includes instruction and guidance in career planning, cultural competency, and scientific writing, as well as MCAT/GRE prep resources and training.
CRISP participants will become stronger candidates to continue their pursuit of advanced degrees in the field of cancer research and to progress to be independent investigators, ultimately leading to an increase the number of cancer researchers and health care professionals working to decrease cancer health disparities in the Deep South.
Preparation for Graduate and Medical Education (PARAdiGM)
This program is an NIH/NHLBI R25 funded 8-week program to introduce outstanding undergraduates to the exciting career options of being both a scientific investigator and a practicing physician. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents.
Research in Aging through Mentorship and Practice (RAMP-UP)
The UAB MHERC invites rising sophomore undergraduate students to participate in its three-year intensive eight-week Research in Aging through Mentorship and Practice – Undergraduate Program (RAMP-UP), which takes place in June and July, with additional virtual learning opportunities during the academic year. The program also provides instruction and guidance in career planning, cultural competency, and scientific writing, as well as journal club participation and MCAT/GRE prep resources and training.
Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP-UP)
STEP-UP is a biomedical research experience for undergraduate students that is sponsored by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The STEP-UP summer program is a paid, ten-week, mentored research experience for undergraduate students from across the nation. UAB is one of three nation-wide coordinating centers. Participants are linked with experienced research mentors at an institution of their choosing for the in-person summer experience. This may be their home institution or one near their hometown. Successful participants may be able to continue their research throughout the academic year at their home institution. The goal of the NIDDK STEP-UP Program is to build and sustain a biomedical, behavioral, clinical, and social science research pipeline focused on NIDDK’s core mission areas of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolic diseases; digestive diseases and nutrition; kidney, urologic, and hematologic diseases.
Access the application here.
Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP)
The Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. It is a free 6-week summer enrichment residential programs for first and second year college students, developed from a partnership between the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Heersink School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Optometry, and School of Health Professions, home to the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy programs. Application info can be found at this link.
Summer in Biomedical Sciences (SIBS) Undergraduate Research Program
Future Surgeons and Scientists Investigating Oncology (FUSSION)
The Future Surgeons and Scientists Investigating Oncology (FUSSION) YES program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), funded by NIH/NCI R25CA281680, is designed to increase interest in cancer-related research among college students from groups who are underrepresented in biomedical sciences, with the goal of creating a pipeline of diverse future physician-scientists with cancer-related research programs. To achieve this goal, FUSSION will provide a 2-year mentored research experience augmented by monthly workshops on cancer-related topics, scientific communication, and career and academic development.
O’Neal ACS Diversity in Cancer Research Internship (DICR)
This is a 10-week program funded by the American Cancer Society to introduce outstanding undergraduates to in-lab cancer research. Up to 4 students will be accepted into this cancer research-focused, paid summer program to work with mentors affiliated with the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center. DICR students will be given the opportunity to learn a wide range of research and professional development skills and learn from mentors engaging in real-time cancer research in operational labs.
Summer Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate Experiences in Research for Genomic Medicine (SUPER-GM)
SUPER-GM (formerly SURE-GM) is an 8-week summer program tailored for students from our partner historically black colleges and universities and other minority-serving institutions. However, all students are welcome to apply, as are students who have faced challenging social, economic, educational, cultural, or other life circumstances.
Research and Clinical Exp in Pathology (RaCE4Path)
Undergraduate students will be recruited for the Research and Clinical Exp in Pathology summer program through the PSDO Application portal. This 8-week program will blend both clinical and research training in the area of pathology for a shared-science approach to learning.
Please contact Dr. Brandi McCleskey at bmccleskey@uabmc.edu.