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Cancer Partnership Research Summer Training Program


To complete this online application you will need to have the following ready to upload since it is not possible to save your application and come back to complete it later.

  1. Complete ALL sections of this application – It is your responsibility to make certain that your transcript(s), one-page essay (Arial 11, 1-inch margins), and recommendation letters are received by the date listed above. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
  2. Transcripts – Official sealed transcripts are not required.
  3. Letters of Recommendation – Request recommendation letters from two people familiar with your academic Each recommendation letter should be in a separate envelope and signed on the back across the sealed flap by the person making the recommendation, OR it may be emailed directly to Ms. Suzanne Byan-Parker (sbyanparker@uabmc.edu)

All applications must be received by Monday, April 1, 2024, by 5pm (CST). 

Eligibility Requirements: 

We are accepting applications for these paid internships from undergraduate or graduate students currently enrolled in masters programs from historically black colleges/universities (HBCUs), minority-serving institutions (MSIs), and UAB. Students will receive a stipend for at least 30 hours per week.

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Please complete this section accordingly.

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Emergency Contact Information:

Please list the name or names of people to be notified in case of an emergency. 

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Recommender Information: 

Please enter the full name, position, and email address of both recommenders below. 

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Educational Background Information

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Please list your most recent science courses here.

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Area of Research Interest

Indicate your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice(s) regarding the type(s) of a research project, the research program area(s), and the type(s) of cancer which interest you. Select your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice of "Catergory of Interest", "Research Program Area", and "Type of Cancer" from the dropdown menus below.

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Availability for Assignment

Student trainees are expected to work for the entire 8-week training period:

Wednesday May 29th, through Wednesday July 24th

Your schedule will include approximately 20 hours a week of required course work and time to work with your mentor to develop a research project. This schedule will be determined with your mentor during the first week of training. 

Tentative PRSTP course dates are:

  • Weekly -- Research seminars (May 29; June 5, 12, & 26; July 3, 10, & 17)

  • Cancer Education at UAB (June 18 & 19 at Medical Towers Buiding)

  • Cancer Research Symposium hosted by UAB (Tues-Wed, July 23-24, 2024)

Recruitment Information

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Statement of Intent Essay

Please submit a one-page essay (250 words) attached to this document. It must be typed (Arial 11 with 1-inch margins). Your writing will be evaluated for clarity, grammar, spelling, and coherence.  The essay should address the following:

  • Why would you like to participate in the UAB Partnership Research Summer Training Program (PRSTP)?
  • How does this training program relate to your academic and career goals?
  • What qualifications distinguish you from other potential applicants?

The UAB Partnership Research Summer Training Program will review applications. Final selections will be made
by Wednesday, May 1st, 2024.

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