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Medical students often choose to undertake research during the summer between the first and second years of medical school. Opportunities exist for students to participate in basic biomedical, clinical, translational, educational, community-based, public health/epidemiology and outcomes research.

Short-Term Summer Research Opportunities: UAB (Summer between MS1 and MS2)

Medical Student Summer Research Programs (MSSRP) Information


External Funding Opportunities for Research: UAB Campus

  • Alpha Omega Alpha Student Research Fellowship

    Alpha Omega Alpha Student Research Fellowship: The purpose of the AOA fellowships is to stimulate interest in research among medical students. Areas of research may include clinical investigation, basic research, epidemiology, and social science/health service research. Applications must be submitted by January 5th (No extensions) to the Combined Degree Office, not directly to AOA.  Dr. Jon Morris, Penn's AOA Chapter Councilor, will work with a selection committee to choose the most promising application. This will then be forwarded to AOA for a final funding decision. For more information, visit the  AOA website and read carefully the Program Description.


    Application Deadline to Combined Degree Office: January 5, 2021 (No extensions)

  • The American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA)

    The American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA ) Medical Student Summer Fellowship program awards grants to medical students wishing to spend a summer conducting brain tumor research with esteemed scientist-mentors. The intent of this program is to motivate talented medical students to pursue a career in neuro-oncology research. (Note: Penn med students with 8 weeks are eligible.) For more information and to apply, visit the ABTA website.


    Application Deadline: January 14, 2021 at 1:00 PM EST

  • American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA)

    American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) Student Scholarships support graduate-level or medical students conducting research projects related to cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and stroke. The AHA has long been committed to diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from students from racial and ethnic groups. The award will be considered for a project conducted under qualified supervision over the summer or in a block of several months not to exceed May 30th of the following calendar year. The student and mentor must be members of the AHA. 

    If the student goes to a location other than his/her institution, he/she must have written approval of his/her dean or other responsible individual. AHA will consider up to 5 applicants from Penn. Applications must be submitted by March 1 to the Combined Degree and Physician Scholar Programs Staff, not directly to AHA. If more than 5 students wish to apply, a committee of Penn faculty will review applications and select the top 5 to go forward and apply directly to AHA. AHA will typically select one of these students for funding. For more information, visit the AHA/ASA Student Scholarships website.


    Application Deadline: March 1, 2021 (Combined Degree and Physician Scholar Programs Staff)
    Application Deadline: April 6, 2021 (Note: they recommend joining the AHA to apply by March 27)

  • Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA)

    Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) offers financial support for students to spend time performing research on topics relevant to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) for a minimum of 10 weeks. CCFA hopes to stimulate research interest in the areas of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.


    Application Deadline: March 15, annually

  • EMF/SAEM Medical Student Research Grant

    EMF/SAEM Medical Student Research Grant - The Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) and Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Foundation (SAEMF) jointly encourages medical students to engage in and to be exposed to emergency medicine research. Emergency Medicine research is broadly defined as scientific investigation designed to furnish new knowledge relevant to emergency medical care. Such investigations may focus on basic science research, clinical research, preventive medicine, epidemiology, cost-containment, and research in emergency medicine teaching and education. For more information and to apply, visit the EMF website.


    Application Deadline: February 5, 2021

  • HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA)

    HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA) - The HIVMA medical program supports HIV-related clinical learning, research projects and mentor relationships for students at accredited U.S. medical schools. Selected medical students receive free HIVMA/IDSA membership, a $3,500 stipend per year for up to three years, and have flexibility in designing curriculum to complement their schools' curriculum and training, dependent on successfully meeting annual milestones. The program provides an additional $1,000 for mentors and institutions for incidental expenses including supplies and conference registration. First, second and third year students are eligible to apply. Mentors must be HIVMA members, and must demonstrate a commitment to student mentorship for the duration of the grant. 

  • North American Society for Thrombosis & Hemostasis

    North American Society for Thrombosis & Hemostasis is a scholarly society whose missions include fostering new investigators interested in thrombosis and hemostasis research. NASTH Research Fellowship is an 8-10 week program  for medical, PhD, MD/PhD, or PharmD students working on targeted research projects in hemostasis and thrombosis. Proposed projects may be lab-based, clinical or epidemiologic in design. For more information, check out the Program Announcement and visit the HTRS website.


    Application Deadline: March 12, 2021 

  • Rehabilitation Research Experience for Medical Students (RREMS)

    Rehabilitation Research Experience for Medical Students (RREMS) is for research into both neurological and non-neurological concerns in rehabilitation research. The UAB PM&R Department is a site sponsor and the Association of Academic Physiatrist funds the program. For additional information, students can contact Dr. Victor Mark at vwmark@uabmc.edu.


External Short-Term Summer Research Opportunities

Search the AAMC site for opportunities  - Summer and year round programs are available to medical students looking to gain valuable research and clinical experience in a desired specialty. Learn about opportunities for fellowships, internships, summer programs, scholarships, and grants that are available in the United States and abroad. You will need to login with your AAMC ID/password.   

Search the Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP) site for research opportunities aimed at increasing diversity in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce. IBP designs and implements strategies to increase access to STEM education, funding, and careers, with special emphasis on reaching and supporting individuals from underserved communities and underrepresented groups. How to search the IBP database tutorial