Displaying items by tag: release

The study will examine a protein that may help slow bleeding in the brain when given within a two-hour window following the first signs of hemorrhage.
Hendrix reflects on her time in the forensic science program, she calls attention to the close-knit community that exists between the students and the faculty.
Sumedha Bobba has been a picture-perfect student since beginning her collegiate career during the COVID-19 pandemic. How did adjusting to a new way of life impact her approach toward her views of community and success?
In addition to providing excellent trauma care, UAB surgeons continue to establish innovative programs to better improve trauma care in Alabama.
Quitting smoking can provide a plethora of health benefits, including better breathing, more energy, and an improved sense of taste and smell, within just a few days.

The collected glasses will be reused by students in Latin America to watch the eclipse.

Academics and dance have a lot in common: Kendall Baker brought her interests and passions together to earn two degrees while performing with the Alabama Ballet.
Willing Blazers who volunteer can lend a hand for projects like general cleanup, painting, yard work and more. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
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UAB elementary education major Matthew Norris says, after arriving in America, he had little knowledge of the new culture his life would be impacted by, let alone the educational system.
Since 1946, the Fulbright Program has given more than 390,000 professionals of all backgrounds and fields the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research, exchange ideas, and contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns.
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