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The Accelerated Master's in Nursing Pathway (AMNP) is an entry level nursing pathway for individuals with bachelor’s degrees (or higher) in a non-nursing field who desire a career change to nursing.

The accelerated curriculum provides pre-licensure course work leading to a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree in only three semesters, admitting students every spring. Course work and clinical learning experiences are completed on campus.

Graduates of the AMNP pathway are eligible to sit for the National Certification Licensure Exam for registered nurses (NCLEX-RN) to become a registered nurse.

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Learn more about the AMNP Pathway Register to attend a weekly Virtual Information Session, held each Wednesday at noon, to talk with our faculty and staff.

Program Information

  • AMNP Admission Requirements

    Prospective students must meet the following requirements for admission:

    • Baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college/university.
    • Cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
    • Combined score of 297 on the verbal and quantitative sections of the GRE or score of 480 on the GMAT. Test scores submitted to UAB from the GRE or GMAT must not be more than five years old. International students must achieve a TOEFL examination score of at least 500. For more information on the Test Score Waiver process click here.
    • Completion of AMNP foundation/pre-requisite courses (table below) with at least a 3.0 GPA and a “C” or better in each course. All prerequisite courses must be verified as complete or in progress by the application deadline. If not, the application may be deemed incomplete for consideration. Pre-requisite courses that are in progress must be verified with a transcript or a letter from the institution the student is attending by the application deadline. All courses must be completed before the start of the program.
    • Check UAB's equivalency of transfer credit database to confirm how previous institutions' courses will equate to UAB credit.
    BY 115 Human Anatomy with lab24
    BY 116 Human Physiology with lab24
    BY 261 Microbiology with lab4
    CH 105/106 Intro to Chemistry I with lab
    OR CH 115/116 General Chemistry I with lab
    CH 107/108 Intro to Chemistry II with lab
    OR CH 117/118 General Chemistry II with lab1
    PY 212 Developmental Psychology3
    Elementary/Descriptive Statistics (MA 180, PUH 250, PY 216)3
    MA 105 Pre-Calculus
    OR MA 110 Finite Math
    OR higher
    NTR 222 Nutrition3
    1Only applies to students who take microbiology at UAB; otherwise, students may take any other life science with a lab excluding Geology or Astronomy.
    2Anatomy and Physiology coursework must have been taken within the last 7 years. A sequence in Anatomy and Physiology I and Anatomy and Physiology II will also apply.
    • Three letters of professional reference attesting to the applicant's potential for graduate study.
    • An essay responding to a prompt provided in the application.
    • Applicants should submit an official transcript from every college or university they have ever attended (even if for only one semester). Transcripts may be emailed electronically by the issuing institution to the UAB Graduate School to gradschool@uab.edu or mailed to:
      • UAB Graduate School
        LHL G03
        1720 2nd Ave. S.
        Birmingham, AL 35294-0013
    • If applicable, applicants who were previously enrolled in a Nursing School or Program must provide a letter of good standing from their previous institution, indicating that the applicant is in good standing and eligible to return to that school or program. The letter of good standing should be submitted to the UAB SON Office of Student Success by emailing sonadmissions@uab.edu by the published application deadline.
    • A personal interview.
    • All application materials must be received by the published application deadline with fee.
    • For those applying to the Priority Deadline, all application documents must be received by June 1. Consideration will be given to a limited number of fully qualified applicants. Applicants must at a minimum have met the stated admission requirements and completed a significant portion or all of the prerequisite coursework. Priority applicants may be selected for an interview, moved to the regular fall review, or denied an offer of admission.
    • International students (non-US citizens) should follow additional guidelines list under “Information for International Students” at the bottom of this page.


  • Application for Admission/Application Deadlines

    Application Deadlines

    Entry Date: Spring 2026
    Priority Deadline1: June 1, 2025
    Regular Deadline: September 2, 2025

    1For those applying to the Priority Deadline, all application documents must be received by June 1. Consideration will be given to a limited number of fully qualified applicants. Applicants must at a minimum have met the stated admission requirements and completed a significant portion or all of the prerequisite coursework. Priority applicants may be selected for an interview, moved to the regular fall review, or denied an offer of admission.

  • AMNP Outcomes

    Upon completion of the Accelerated Master's in Nursing Pathway, students will be able to:

    • Demonstrate the assimilation of multiple perspectives and knowledge, nursing history, liberal arts, and science into nursing practice to develop a unique way of knowing, caring, and clinical judgement.
    • Practice person-centered, holistic care by establishing relationships, effective communication, and formulation of individualized plans of care.
    • Engage in partnerships and advocacy efforts throughout the healthcare delivery continuum for collaborative activities that support optimal population health.
    • Apply theoretical foundations and evidence-based care concepts to support high-quality healthcare delivery and ongoing scholarly nursing practice.
    • Incorporate established and emerging principles of quality and safety science in care delivery and maintain a culture of safety within healthcare organizations.
    • Collaborate with professionals across healthcare disciplines and lead within care-oriented interprofessional teams.
    • Incorporate resources to lead safe, equitable, and high-quality care within healthcare systems.
    • Integrate healthcare information technologies to facilitate care delivery and support the expansion of knowledge for practice.
    • Develop a professional identity that reflects the values of the nursing profession including ethical comportment, intentional participation, professional accountability, and principles of social justice.
    • Utilize reflection and personal development strategies to support ongoing professional growth, resilience, maturity, and capacity for leadership.
  • Program of Study

    The AMNP program of study1 is accelerated and can be completed in three semesters. This program only accepts students to begin in spring semesters.

    Graduates are qualified to sit for the NCLEX-RN exam at which time they may apply for employment as a professional nurse.

    Year One - First Term: SpringCredit Hours
    NUR 520 Foundational Competencies for the Professional Nurse3 hours
    NUR 521L Foundational Skills for the Professional Nurse3 hours
    NUR 526 Adult Health Nursing I: Managing Chronic & Episodic Health Cond.2 hours
    NUR 527L Nursing Practicum with Adults I2 hours
    NUR 524 Pharmacology for AMNP3 hours
    NUR 528 Pathophysiology for AMNP2 hours
    NUR 522 Mental Health Nursing3 hours
    Total Credit Hours18
    Year One - Second Term: SummerCredit Hours
    NUR 556 Adult Health Nursing II: Managing Acute Health Conditions 4 hours
    NUR 537L Nursing Practicum with Adults II3 hours
    NUR 552 Nursing Care of Women and Children4 hours
    NUR 553L Nursing Practicum with Women and Children2 hours
    NUR 538 Pathophysiology for AMNP II2 hours
    NUR 542 Health Promotion, Prevention, Population, and Policy3 hours
    NUR 559Q Concepts of Transitional Care Coordination4 hours
    Total Credit Hours22
    Year One - Third Term: FallCredit Hours
    NUR 546 Adult Health Nursing III: Managing Complex Health Conditions2 hours
    NUR 549 Synthesis Review Course1 hours
    NUR 551L Nursing Practicum with Vulnerable Populations2 hours
    NUR 550 Professional Leadership and Role Transition4 hours
    NUR 558L Clinical Synthesis and Role Immersion5 hours
    NUR 519Q Evidence-Based Nursing and Health Care Technology4 hours
    Total Credit Hours18

    1Curriculum is currently under revision due to credentialing updates and new programs of study will be updated in 2024.

  • Tuition and Fees

    The following tuition and fees are valid for the 2024-2025 academic year. Tuition and fees and are SUBJECT TO CHANGE annually based on approval from the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees and/or university.

    The estimates below are based on the costs listed at the UAB Office of Planning and Analysis website.

    Each student’s costs will vary depending upon a number of factors including state of residence, the number of credits taken in a semester. Fees vary by program and course.

    Tuition and Fees
    UAB School of Nursing 2024-2025
    Charge ($)
    Charge ($)
    AMNP Coursework (classroom; each semester hour)6101,505
    Fees - UAB School of NursingCost ($)
    Educational Support and Technology Fee (per course)235
    Student Hospitalization Insurance Fee (per month)1270
    Expenses (Estimated)Cost ($)
    Books and supplies (estimate per term)600
    Lab Kit2225
    Smart Phone or Electronic handheld device to access internet2350
    Room and Board (on campus, per term, cost varies depending on dorm)3,600
    Background Check (annual estimate)92
    1 Estimate based on one student. May be waived with documented proof of equal or greater coverage.
    2 These must be purchased upon initial enrollment in the School of Nursing and should be planned for in student budgets.
  • Funding Your Education

    University Scholarships and Financial Aid

    Information on Financial Aid, University Scholarships and other funding opportunities are available on UAB's Cost & Aid website.

    UAB School of Nursing Scholarships

    The UAB School of Nursing offers many scholarships, both need and merit based, to support nursing students across all programs. Scholarships are awarded twice a year, during the spring and fall semesters and requires just one application to be considered for all undergraduate or graduate scholarships. For more information or to start the scholarship application process, visit the SON Scholarship Application webpage.

  • Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Fellows

    The Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Fellows is a graduate fellowship program for Peace Corps Volunteers admitted to the Accelerated Master's in Nursing Pathway (AMNP).

    The Peace Corps Graduate Fellows Appointment Qualifies Students for:

    • the in-state tuition rate
    • a one-time scholarship of $5,000
    • the opportunity to apply for other scholarships available to AMNP students
    • Application Form

    Coverdell Peace Corps Fellows at UAB will:

    • Participate in the translation of their global experience to advance the Peace Corps’ third goal “to help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans” by engaging in meaningful experiences with underserved communities in the Greater Birmingham area.
    • Partner with community organizations to provide opportunities for students to address selected community or population health problems through their clinical practicum experiences in the AMNP.
    • Fellows will address two major health issues during these community experiences: reduction of health disparities and preparing the nursing workforce to impact health disparities.
    • Have opportunities to work and collaborate with Returned Peace Corps Volunteers residing in the Greater Birmingham area on community projects targeting underserved populations with health disparities.
    • Learn in a dynamic environment with access to populations with health disparities that impact both urban and rural populations.
    • Be mentored by a faculty who has both served as a Peace Corps Volunteer and entered nursing via the Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway.

    For more information, contact:

    Photo of Karmie Johnson
    Karmie Johnson, DNP, CRNP
    Peace Corps Fellows Coordinator
    (205) 975-4295
  • Information for International Students

    NOTE: Prospective International students must first contact UAB International Admissions to determine eligibility to study in the U.S. and/or submit an application for admission to UAB.

    UAB International Admissions
    Email: IntlAdmin@uab.edu
    Phone: (205) 934-4686
    Fax: (205) 934-8664

    The table below provides information on eligibility requirements for the AMNP Program.

    F1 or J1 Visa AcceptableNot eligible for this program
    College Degree (Bachelors Equivalent)Required
    Foreign Transcripts Evaluated**Required
    English ProficiencyRequired
    U.S. RN LicenseNot Required

    Application Requirements

    • Prospective students must have a bachelors degree in a non-nursing field equivalent to that offered by a U.S. regionally accredited educational institution.
    • International applicants must, as part of their application, provide a detailed course by course evaluation of their academic transcripts and verification of their academic credentials. Students may use one of the following firms for transcript evaluation; a report of the evaluation must be submitted directly to the UAB School of Nursing prior to admission decisions.
      • Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.
        P.O. Box 514070
        Milwaukee, WI 53203-3470 USA
        Website: www.ece.org
      • World Education Services
        Bowling Green Station
        P.O. Box 5087
        New York, NY 10274-5087 USA
        Website: www.wes.org
    • Applicants must have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on prior college/university course work.
    • Applicants must complete and submit their scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) as part of the application process. If the GRE was completed prior to application, only scores completed within the previous 5 years are accepted.
    • Completion of a formal admission interview.
    • Meet English language requirements. Students must submit scores on Tests of English Language (TOEFL or IELTS) and achieve the following minimum scores
      • TOEFL iBT 80 and minimum of 18 in each of the 4 test sections, or
      • IELTS 6.5 and minimum of 6.0 in at least 2 of the 4 test sections.


AMNP Program Manager Crimsynn Dover Office of Student Success
(205) 975-7529
Co-Director, AMNP Pathway Kristin Ashley PhD, RN, CNE
(205) 996-4329
Co-Director, AMNP Pathway Sabria Baker DNP, RN, CNE
(205) 975-9031