Displaying items by tag: office of the provost for student and faculty success

The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees voted to appoint one chair and three professors to endowed positions during its Feb. 3 meeting. Those honored are Jeffery Walker, Lewis Shi, Farah Lubin and Brant Wagener.

Published in Achievements

The UA System Board of Trustees elevated three former faculty to emeritus status during its Feb. 3 meeting. Those honored were Pamela S. Murray, Stephen James O’Connor and George Howard.

Published in Awards & Honors

UAB continues to implement its Campus Master Plan through new facilities and renovations to enhance instruction, research, technology and student life. Some are under construction and others are in planning stages; these include an update to the Unity Park green space, seven new buildings and a new parking deck.

Published in Campus News

Employees can learn about compliance with the Americans with Disabilities and Rehabilitation acts, explore best practices for engaging with students with disabilities, and access key resources during a new online training from UAB Disability Support Services.

Published in Learning & Development

Teresa Taber Doughty, Ph.D., who will begin April 3, brings to the role extensive experience in higher education and a demonstrated commitment to preparing outstanding education professionals; she has served as dean of the University of Texas at Arlington’s College of Education since 2016.

Published in Leadership

Michelle Horvath, J.D., will help provide a safe place for the UAB community to navigate policies, issues, concerns and conflicts in a safe, unbiased environment.

Published in Leadership

Ana Oliveira, Sami Raut, Lisa McCormick and Meena Nabavi demonstrated extraordinary commitment to engaging undergraduate students in service learning, undergraduate research and education-abroad experiences.

Published in Awards & Honors

Twelve faculty have been selected to receive the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, which honors those who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in teaching. The 2022 honorees represent each school, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Honors College and the Graduate School.

Published in Awards & Honors

The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees also voted to accept endowments for four chairs, a professorship and a lecture.

Published in Achievements

Those honored for long-standing and distinguished service include Dean George Assimos, Peter Bellis, Joseph Van Matre, Harry William Schroeder Jr., Dean Sicking, Alexander Szalai and Sergey Vyazovkin.

Published in Awards & Honors

Chemistry Professor Jacqueline Nikles, Ph.D., has proven herself highly qualified at all levels of instruction, according to her peers and students.

Published in Awards & Honors

Throughout Wellness Week Oct. 17-21, employees and students from across UAB and UAB Medicine shared dozens of photos and videos that represent what wellness means to them. 

Published in Be Healthy

For her ability to see a need and get things done, Assistant Professor Carmen Capó-Lugo received the 2022 Odessa Woolfolk Community Service Award.

Published in Awards & Honors

Philosophy Professor Gregory E. Pence, Ph.D., is a man of action who works with people across campus — and the community — to get things done.

Published in Awards & Honors

During the first few months of a semester, students can accumulate more questions about life as a Blazer than they had when they started. Discover resources for students spanning financial aid assistance, mental health, career prep and more.

Published in Research & Scholarship

In recognition of International Open Access Week, the UAB Libraries Office of Scholarly Communication will host events aimed at educating the UAB community about the benefits of Open Access publishing in academic and research communities.

Published in Research & Scholarship

In this newly created role, Scott Phillips, Ph.D., will continue to direct the Center for Teaching and Learning and also will oversee seven units in the Office of the Provost that work to deliver innovative teaching to UAB students.

Published in Leadership

Established by a committee of individuals from across the university and UAB Medicine, Wellness Week is designed to help the UAB community prioritize rest, well-being, mindfulness, movement and good nutrition.

Published in Be Healthy
This summer, more faculty than ever took part in the Red Mountain Project, a UAB Sustainability initiative demonstrating how to incorporate the topic into new or existing courses. Students want to know more about sustainability, participants say, and their cohort offered “a base of people to connect with and brainstorm ideas.”
Published in Sustainability

During his 14 years at UAB, Stephen Yoder has made significant contributions that advanced strategic initiatives, and his leadership has been valuable within UAB and on its behalf.

Published in Leadership

Earlier this year, UAB was recognized as one of just 13 institutions ranked as national leaders in racial and gender diversity in leadership. We asked 12 women senior leaders to answer one question: What advice would you give a young woman who aspires to a career like the one you've achieved? Read their answers.

Published in Leadership

Alumna Shreya Malhotra was named among the fifth cohort of Stanford University’s Knight-Hennessy Scholars, the largest fully endowed graduate fellowship in the world; Malhotra graduated in 2020 with a bachelor’s in neuroscience and a master's in public health as part of the Science and Technology Honors Program.

Published in Achievements
Plant-based diets, biased language in the courts and the trouble with night lights: Recipients of 2022 Faculty Development Grant Program awards explain how they will use their funds.
Published in Grants Awarded

The UA System Board of Trustees awarded the rank of Distinguished Professor to Khurram Bashir, Aurelio Galli, Eugenia Kharlampieva, Bruce R. Korf and Jan Novak and the rank of University Professor to W. Timothy Garvey, Linda D. Moneyham and Jeffery T. Walker during its April 8 meeting.

Published in Awards & Honors

A civil rights field experience, safer MRI scans, investigating college stress and implementing a massive genetic test for cancer: Recipients of 2022 Faculty Development Grant Program awards explain how they will use their funds.

Published in Grants Awarded
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