Are you: generally healthy? Have NO history of mental illness or psychiatric disorders; can read and write in English? You may be eligible for participation. For more information and to determine eligibility, please call 205-934-2484. Compensation is provided.
Have you experienced... Feeling hopeless? Feeling sad or down? Feeling guilty? Increase or decrease in appetite? Loss of interest in activities? Inability to concentrate? Forgetfulness? Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much? Wishing you were dead? If you answered yes to some or all of these questions and you are: ages 19-65 and in good physical health, you may be eligible to participate in a research study for treatment of depression, involving a one time dose of ketamine. For more information, please call UAB Office of Psychiatric Research at 205-934-2484. Compensation is provided.
If you are age 35 or older and healthy (not suffering from any serious clinical condition) you may be eligible to participate in a study to determine bioenergetic health. Participants will answer a short questionnaire and have blood collected (20ml ie 2-3 tubes). Compensation ($25) after blood draw will be provided per study visit. For more information, please contact by email
Healthy Adult Volunteers ages 18-89 needed for study Healthy individuals ages 18-89 are needed for a study exploring the reason why some individuals have an increased risk of forming calcium oxalate kidney stones. You don’t have to have kidney stones to participate. The study involves consuming prepared meals over 4 days and collecting urine and blood. Compensation up to $140. For more information, call 205-934-5712 or email or
Do you have a family member diagnosed with RA or do you think you are at risk of developing RA? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a research study about the possible prevention of RA. Must be at least 18 years or older without a prior diagnosis of RA. For more information, please call 205-934-9843 or email
If you ages 18 and older AND have either heart failure (in the past 2 years) or a heart attack (in the past year) you may qualify for a research study. What happens in the study? • vaccination with either high dose (investigational for adults under the age of 65) OR standard dose flu shot, provided at no cost to you (once per year, up to 3 years); •monitoring any heart or lung related hospital visits; • telephone follow-up • optional blood draw. Patients who have already received their flu shot this year are not eligible to enroll. Participants will be compensated. For more information about how you can participate in INVESTED, please call the UAB Hypertension Program at 205-934-9281.
Are you feeling sad, down, hopeless? Feeling guilty? Experiencing loss of interest in activities? Having difficulty concentrating? Sleeping too little or too much? 19-70 years old? In good physical health? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a research study. For more information, please call UAB Office of Psychiatric Research at 205-934-8336.
Black men ages 16-35 needed for STI prevention study. We are looking for black or African American men to participate in a small confidential group discussion. The discussion is to understand the types of sexual health care services that are most desirable. To qualify, you must be male who has, at any time, had sex with another male. You will be compensated $50 for your participation. Please contact JP at (205) 975-1531 to see if you qualify.
Healthy African American or Caucasian men and women ages 18-40 needed to participate in a research study about the effects of glucose on a protein in your blood — this protein is related to heart disease. Must have no history of elevated blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems or kidney problems. The study involves consuming prepared meals and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated. Please email Dr. Nirav Patel, if you are interested.
If you have been diagnosed with gout, you may qualify to participate in one of our Gout research studies. Treatment and compensation for your time is provided per study visit. Please call Stephanie at 205-934-1444 or
If you are age 18 or older and healthy (not suffering from any serious clinical condition) you may be eligible to participate in a study to determine bioenergetic health. Participants will answer a short questionnaire and have blood collected (20ml ie. 2-3 tubes). Compensation ($25) after blood draw will be provided per study visit. For more information, please email
Are you a healthy person ages 18-40? You may be eligible to participate in a research study about the effects of Exercise and Metoprolol (a blood pressure pill) on a protein in your blood. This protein is related to heart disease. Eligible participants must be Healthy men and women, African American or Caucasians and have no history of diabetes, heart problems, or kidney problems. The study involves performing exercise, taking metoprolol, consuming prepared meals, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated. Please e-mail Dr. Nirav Patel, if you are interested.
You may be eligible to participate in a research study about the effects of glucose on a protein in your blood. This protein is related to heart disease. Eligible participants must be healthy men and women, African American or Caucasians and have no history of elevated blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems or kidney problems. The study involves consuming prepared meals and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated. Please e-mail Dr. Nirav Patel, if you are interested.
The UAB Division of Rheumatology and Immunology is conducting a study to research the effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis on muscle strength and insulin. To qualify, you must be between the ages of 35 and 65, not be diagnosed with diabetes or any other illness that may impair evaluation of study outcomes, and do not engage in a strength training program or vigorous exercise. All participants will be required to come to UAB for testing on 3 or more occasions and qualified RA participants will receive a 15-week regimen of the study drug. There is no charge for participation and all participants will receive compensation. For more information, and to see if you might be eligible to join, call (205) 934-4021.
UAB is currently offering a no-cost research treatment program for those who want to stop using cocaine. This study combines medication and counseling treatment. If you use cocaine and would like to stop, please call UAB at (205) 975-7721.
We are looking for healthy older adults who are interested in participating in a study about healthy aging. You may be eligible if you have no major physical disabilities, are independent in basic life activities, and are 85 years or older. Participants will be compensated. Call 205-975-7017 for more information and to see if you qualify.

Are you ages 18-75? Are you currently taking medication specifically for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, also known as Pulmonary Hypertension? You may qualify for participation in the ongoing LIBERTY research study. If you would like more information, please contact the UAB Cardiovascular Clinical Trial Unit, 205-975-9964.

We are currently seeking individuals diagnosed with spinal cord injury (SCI) for a research study evaluating diet. The purpose of this study is to determine if a low carb or low fat diet is better for helping adults with SCI: 1) stick to their diet, 2) improve their body composition, and 3) lower their cardiometabolic risk factors (such as diabetes, heart disease, or stroke). This study is for adults with SCI ages 21-60. Participation is free, and compensation is provided. For more information, please call Ashley Sineath at 205-403-5510 or email at
You could be a candidate for a research study evaluating a new procedure for treating high blood pressure. Are you age 18-75? Are you willing to stop or change your current blood pressure medicine for a short time if supervised by a doctor? If yes and you want more information regarding the RADIANCE-HTN STUDY, please contact the UAB Hypertension Clinic at Participants will be reimbursed for travel and study visits expenses.
We are currently seeking cardiac surgical patients to participate in the LEVO-CTS research study. The purpose of the study is to evaluate an investigational drug with the potential to improve outcomes in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass and/or heart valve surgery. Minimum eligibility requirements: Must be 18 years or older, your physician has diagnosed you with coronary vessel disease requiring bypass surgery and/or the need for heart valve surgery. Talk to your cardiologist or your heart surgeon for additional information. Questions can also be answered by Alicia Kindred or D'Netria Jackson at 205-934-4711 or 205-975-2088.

This study will examine the effectiveness of a group exercise class on the health and function adults age 18-65 with a history of stroke. You will be randomly assigned to one of two groups; Movement2Music or a waitlist group who will complete a home-based exercise intervention. Email or call 205-313-7455 for more information. Participation is free, and compensation is provided.

In our study of patients with resistant hypertension, we have shown that vascular function improves with the use of spironolactone, a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist. Spironolactone has also been shown to reduce urinary protein loss in patients with chronic kidney disease. We are looking for men and women, ages 19-65, with Stage III CKD, non-diabetic or who have controlled diabetes, and who are not currently taking spironolactone or amiloride. The study lasts 16 weeks, with six visits, and compensation and parking will be provided for all six visits. If interested, please contact Cassidy Clevenger at (205) 934-6745.
Are you concerned about your bone and joint health? Men and women age 45-69 are needed for a Bone and Joint Health Study, a study about how physical activities and other factors affect the health of your bones and joints.  Compensation is provided.  Call 205-975-7223, Option 2 for more information!
Local physicians are part of a larger clinical trial utilizing an investigational medical device for people with post-amputation pain. If you are experiencing moderate to severe post-amputation pain not controlled by medication, we invite you to learn more. Qualifications for the study include: one amputated lower limb; frequent and recurring amputation pain; willingness to undergo implant surgery; and age 21 or older. For participation information, please email, or call 934-4711 or 975-2847 to speak with Alicia Kindred (Study Coordinator) or Joseph Pough (Research Assistant).
You may qualify for a research study in the UAB Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology if you have never been diagnosed with a mental illness. Call 975-4207 for more information. Compensation provided.
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