Explore UAB

A single color communicates meaning almost instantaneously, and color is a key factor in brand recognition. Color defines us, unifies us, rallies us. The official CCTS colors are listed below. 

Primary Colors

PMS: 7472
CMYK: 82 21 48 2
RGB: 8 148 142
Hex: 08948e
PMS: 120
CMYK: 3 19 100 0
RGB: 247 202 16
Hex: f7ca10
PMS: 5777
CMYK: 51 24 100 4
RGB: 136 156 58
Hex: 889c3a
PMS: 7659
CMYK: 64 100 40 50
RGB: 71 9 60
Hex: 47093c
PMS: 157
CMYK: 6 60 100 0
RGB: 231 127 36
Hex: e77f24
PMS: 702
CMYK: 20 100 57 6
RGB: 188 30 81
Hex: bc1e51
PMS: 4
CMYK: 27 21 19 0
RGB: 186 187 191
Hex: babbbf

Secondary Color

Light Purple
CMYK: 24 30 0 53
RGB: 90 83 119
Hex: 5a5377

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