Explore UAB

The fourth annual Community Engagement Institute (CEI) will take place on Friday, Oct. 6th, at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC) from 7am-3:30pm. Cohosted by the CCTS One Great Community and the UAB Center for the Study of Community Health, CEI is an annual daylong symposium that provides opportunities to share best practices and learn from others engaged or interested in community-based initiatives and research.


This year’s theme is “Community Engagement and Environmental Renewal (CHEER) for Civil Inclusion and Empowerment” (#CEI2017). The program will explore equity as the central intersection where the full impact of social and community change occurs.

CEI 2017 will feature two keynote speakers: President and CEO of Associated Black Charities Mrs. Diane Bell McKoy and Dr. Errol Crook, Director of the Center for Healthy Communities (CHC) and Chair of Internal Medicine, University of South Alabama College of Medicine. Dr. Crook is also the principle investigator of the CHC’s National Center of Excellence Grant funded by the NIH’s National Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities.

ecrookCEI brings together participants from across the region, including undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, university faculty and staff, business and neighborhoods leaders, community members, volunteers, health advocates, members and leaders of faith-based organizations, consumers, and grassroots organizers and funders.

Mark your calendar for Friday, Oct. 6th, and plan to join us. Watch upcoming issues of CCTS Digest for the call for posters and sessions and announcing when registration will open. Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..