Interprofessional Teams in Healthcare Series
The UAB Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation (CIPES) is excited to team up with the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning to offer training for educators in the growing field of Interprofessional Education (IPE). This series has been developed to aid faculty, teaching students in health-related schools, add Interprofessional content to their courses. Non-health-related faculty will also find the information and tools useful to integrate into any interprofessional activity.
Interprofessional education and collaborative practice continue to gain momentum in healthcare. Educators and accreditors are now focusing on how IPE can achieve the “Quadruple Aim” of improving; Population Health, Patient Experience, Per Capita Costs, and Provider Work Life. Participants will learn what constitutes IPE at UAB, how to incorporate IPE in their activities, and what resources are available.
For more information about this workshop series, contact Allison Shorten (Office of Interprofessional Curriculum) in the Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation.
Click on a workshop title below to view more information and to register.
If no upcoming events are listed, check out more upcoming events from other CTL workshop series.
Faculty will explore how to facilitate the development of students skills in communicating with other professionals in health and other fields in a responsive and responsible manner, while supporting an interprofessional team approach.
Say what? Interprofessional Communication: Practical Applications for Student Learning
Building upon the “Exploring Communications” workshop This course will provide educators with practical classroom activities and assignments related to the IPEC’s core competency for interprofessional communication, including how to use plain language, skills for active listening, and the professional use of digital technology to communicate with teams and patients.
Teams and Teamwork
Faculty will be introduced to strategies that help students apply relationship-building values and the principles of interprofessional team dynamics to perform effectively in different team roles.
Leadership Fables as a Teaching Strategy for Interprofessional Education
Leadership fables, such as Who Moved My Cheese?, provide an inexpensive method for reflecting on leadership situations from the outside looking in, and offer interprofessional students the opportunity to actively engage with each other to explore solutions to the issues. This presentation will describe how to implement leadership fables for interprofessional learning activities and offer future directions for this innovative teaching strategy.
Roles and Responsibilities
Faculty will explore strategies that support students in learning to use the knowledge of their own role and those of other professions to support interprofessional team objectives.
Values and Ethics
Faculty will be introduced to strategies to support students in working with individuals of other professions to maintain a climate of mutual respect and shared values.
Breaking Barriers: Designing and Evaluating Engaging Interprofessional Activities
This seminar will provide an overview of how to collaborate with other professions across campus to offer interprofessional learning opportunities, and will address planning, implementation and evaluation of interprofessional learning sessions. The presenters will share their experience with the creation of an interprofessional learning activity and offer suggestions for future interprofessional teaching and learning collaboration.