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About the CTL

CTL Logo Centered Transparent Rectangle The purpose of the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning is to provide UAB faculty with professional and teaching support programs and to encourage teaching effectiveness and innovation on campus.

Consistent with the objectives of the UAB Strategic Plan, the CTL is on the leading edge of the University’s efforts to:

•  promote innovative instructional practices
•  develop UAB’s world-class faculty members
•  align teaching, learning, and mentorship development programs
•  foster a culture of learning that supports and encourages academic, professional and personal development for UAB students, faculty, and staff

The CTL is open to all UAB faculty and is focused on supporting excellence in teaching across the UAB campus. Research shows that effective teaching by University faculty leads to higher levels of student success and higher rates of student recruitment and retention. Through CTL workshops, individual and group faculty consultations, and school and departmental presentations, the CTL promotes student learning by helping UAB faculty to develop the knowledge and skills to become better teachers.

The Center also plays a key role in supporting the University’s ongoing accreditation efforts and the Quality Enhancement Plan. The QEP theme, “The City Is Our Classroom” is focused on teaching students to become engaged citizens and leaders while participating in their community in meaningful and mutually beneficial ways.

Learn more about the CTL Certification Programs or people at the CTL.

If you have any questions, send us an email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Location on Campus

The UAB Center for Teaching and Learning is located on the 4th floor of UAB's Lister Hill Library, 1700 University Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35233. As with most buildings on UAB's campus, a valid OneCard is required for building entry and faculty must scan their OneCard in the elevator to access the 4th floorVisit the UAB Campus map for detailed directions from your current location.


Lot 5A is a public, paid parking lot next to the Hill Student Center (see image below) and is the closest public parking lot to Lister Hill Library. The cost for parking in lot 5A is dependent upon your total time parked and paid when you exit. There is also limited meter parking on the streets surrounding Lister Hill Library. Click here to learn more about parking at UAB.

For faculty already on campus, the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning is centrally located so we are just a short walk away from most areas on campus. There is also a Blazer Express bus stop right in front of the library if walking is not an option.

CTL ListerHillMap

Interested in hosting a faculty event at the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning?
Submit your request via this form.

Reserve CTL Space

The UAB Center for Teaching and Learning promotes educational and professional development that leads to innovation in the classroom and meaningful student learning. Our offerings and space is available to any UAB faculty, student facing staff, or individuals teaching a course currently that is interested in professional and educational development. If you are in need of space for a faculty meeting, training, and or retreat we would love to host you. Contact us today at uabctl@uab.edu to check availability. Please include the dates of interest, time, purpose of reservation, and those who will be in attendance.

CTL Workshops

BlazerCoreV1 round  Blazer Core Teaching

Global awareness   Global Awareness

effectiveness   Teaching Effectiveness