The Systematic Training in Anesthesia Research (STAR) Program is a new initiative that underscores our commitment to furthering bedside-to-bench-to-bedside research. The STAR Program is a resident research track available through the residency match. Developed to train residents interested in careers as physician-scientists, this track will be used to train potential candidates in basic, translational, and/or clinical research. The overall goal is to expand upon a foundation in research to prepare applicants for careers in academic medicine. The successful applicant/trainee will have a strong scientific background via graduate training (Ph.D. or M.S.) or significant experience in other venues such as NIH fellowships or summer research programs.
This track is overseen by Brant Wagener, M.D., Ph.D. Learn more about our Research graduates.
STAR Program Timeline

The Academic Career Development Program section recognizes the fact that a career in academics requires a broad and varied set of talents and skills, in addition to research competence. This section should address the broad objectives of the comparable section of an NIH K01 award, involving utilization of relevant research and educational resources to achieve training in activities such as scientific writing, presentation, and grantsmanship; meetings and seminars; teaching; and the Responsible Conduct of Research. An excellent resource is the UAB Office of Postdoctoral Education and the Scholar is encouraged to actively participate in this excellent program.