Explore UAB

Our office provides services ranging from individual wellbeing and group sessions to evaluating and improving work design.

Wellness Support Services

The office offers confidential consultation and coaching through conversations for faculty, advanced practice providers, medical residents and fellows, medical students, biomedical graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows.

Services include:

  • Wellness check-ins
  • One-on-one assessment and consultations 
  • Informal coaching and advising through conversation
  • Group sessions
  • Referral assistance 

Make an appointment by emailing our office. No Referral is required.

Wellness Education & Promotion

Experts from the team are available to come to speak to teams and departments to promote wellness behavior and culture.

Topics include:

  • Stress awareness and management
  • Providing peer support
  • Creating a culture of wellness
  • Burnout and compassion fatigue 
  • Organizational causes of distress
  • Trauma debriefing 
  • Empowering leadership and job crafting 
  • Wellness in education
  • Burnout prevention
  • Thriving in work/training
  • Leadership promoting wellness
  • Related topics about which we are happy to collaborate with leaders

To request a speaker, email us to learn more.

Evaluating Work-Design

Reducing demands and improving work design is critical to promote and maintain workplace wellbeing. We collaborate with numerous groups across the enterprise to examine and evaluate work design.

Some of our key and current initiatives focus on:

  • Electronic Health Record
  • Accountable Care Teams
  • Emergency Department
  • Primary Care delivery
  • Child care

If you are a manager or leader at UAB Medicine evaluating a clinical or research workflow, our office may be able to provide guidance by:

  • Offering existing data
  • Building connections across the enterprise 
  • Providing recommendations on design and measures  

Email us to learn more.

Every gift helps us make a difference

Support the critical work of our faculty, staff, and trainees so we can continue providing the highest level of care to our patients and make breakthroughs in research and discovery.