Explore UAB

What is it?

A PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre (WHOCC) is an official designation given by the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizing the School's sustained involvement and interest in developing the global nursing workforce. The UAB School of Nursing first received this designation in 1993. We are in the Region of the Americas, so we partner closely with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and are active members of the Pan American Nursing & Midwifery Collaborating Centres (PANMCC) and the Global Network of Nursing & Midwifery Collaborating Centre (GNWHOCC).

What does it mean?

The WHO designation means that the academic, research and clinical programs in UAB's School of Nursing are recognized nationally and internationally, and that UAB is a leader in nursing education. Our expertise is of value to the WHO with whom we collaborate on various projects with impact for nursing and midwifery education in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Our Terms of Reference (2023-2027)

In March 2023, the UAB School of Nursing received redesignation as a PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre on International Nursing for another four-year period (2023-2027). This designation marks 30 years of continuous redesignation as a PAHO/WHOCC.

Our "Terms of Reference" are agreed-upon activities that support the PAHO/WHO agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean:

  1. Support PAHO/WHO's efforts to strengthen the quality of nursing education and practice based on Universal Access to Health, Universal Health Coverage and Primary Health Care.
  2. Support PAHO/WHO’s activities to strengthen the availability and dissemination of knowledge resources that build capacity and leadership for nurse and midwife educators.

Every year, we report to PAHO/WHO the progress of activities in support of our listed Terms of Reference.

Our WHOCC Activities (2023-2027)

  1. Create two virtual trainings:
    • Integrating Service-Learning in Nursing Education
    • Building Universal Health Competencies in Nursing Education
  2. Translate, adapt and pilot test the “Educational Quality Improvement Toolkit” in Spanish and Portuguese versions.
  3. Develop a virtual asynchronous training on “Simulation and Technology in Nursing Education
  4. Pilot and evaluate the virtual training “Simulation and Technology in Nursing Education
  5. Conduct a literature review and write a manuscript on “Building nurses’ capacity in primary palliative care in Latin America & the Caribbean”