Displaying items by tag: sleep health

We are conducting a research study at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) to adapt a virtual Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Insomnia program for individuals with Down syndrome. This study aims to improve sleep and overall quality of life.

What’s Involved?
8 weekly intervention sessions (1 hour via Zoom)
Wearing a Fitbit to track sleep patterns (Fitbit provided)
Completing online sleep and quality of life surveys
Participating in a focus group at the end of the study

Who Can Participate?
Individuals aged 12 to 30 years old with a diagnosis of Down syndrome who experience sleep difficulties.

Participants and caregivers can earn up to $400 for completing assessments and an additional $100 for participating in the focus group.

Flyer available here: https://uab.box.com/s/gxhs7htrb0270yrmgdv1hd4vubj1jhal
To sign up to study, complete this brief screening survey: https://uab.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3HFdXpNJ96TEEDA?Q_CHL=qr

If you or someone you know may be interested reach out to Dr. Caroline G. Richter at carolinerichter@uab.edu or (205) 934-9897.
Published in Clinical Trials
The Neuroinflammation, Pain, and Fatigue Lab is looking for women ages 18-55 who have symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME/CFS, for a 1.5 hour brain imaging study. We will obtain magnetic resonance images, MRI, of your brain for one hour. The brain scans are non-invasive and do not involve exposure to radiation or injection of contrast agents. There will also be questionnaires. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether patients with chronic fatigue have increased brain temperature compared to healthy people. If interested, please contact Indonesia Jordan at 205-289-8748, or email ijordan@uab.edu with your name and phone number.
Published in Clinical Trials

Overweight/obese adolescents ages 15-17 with an iPhone or Android phone who sleep less than an average of 8 hours per night and their parent wanted for a study of the effects of sleep on adolescents’ overall health. Requires 8 visits to UAB laboratory and 3 blood draws over a 4 month period. Participants and their parent are eligible to receive a total payment of $400 ($320 for participants and $80 for their parent). For more information call 205-934-2241 or email elliottl@uab.edu.

Published in Clinical Trials