Displaying items by tag: healthy

Do you have High Blood Pressure? Help us find out what is the right time to take blood pressure medication. You may be eligible to participate in the PRECISION-BP research study about the effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan or Valsartan on your body’s 24-hour rhythm of a hormone in your blood called natriuretic peptides. This hormone and the study medications are related to the heart. Eligible participants must be obese (BMI: 30-45 kg/m2) men and women, have high blood pressure and have no history of heart problems or kidney problems. The study involves wearing a blood pressure monitor for 24-hours, 24-hour inpatient visits, taking medications, and collecting blood and urine samples. Meals will be provided at no cost. Participants will be compensated $560 for completing the study visits. Please e-mail Nehal at PRECISION-BPSTUDY@uabmc.edu or call us at 205-934-7173 if you are interested.
Published in Clinical Trials
DAY or NIGHT when is the right time to take blood pressure medication?? Help us to find out by joining our study. You may be eligible to participate in a research study about the effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan or Valsartan on your body’s 24-hour rhythm of a hormone in your blood called natriuretic peptides. This hormone and the study medications are related to the heart. Eligible participants must be obese (BMI: 30-45 kg/m2) men and women, have high blood pressure, and have no history of heart problems or kidney problems. The study involves wearing a blood pressure monitor for 24-hours, 24-hour inpatient visits, taking medications, and collecting blood and urine samples. Meals will be provided at no cost. Participants will be compensated $560 for completing the study visits. Please e-mail Nehal at PRECISION-BPSTUDY@uabmc.edu if you are interested.
Published in Clinical Trials
You may be eligible to participate in a research study about the effects of Exercise and Metoprolol (a blood pressure pill) on a protein in your blood. This protein is related to heart disease. Eligible participants must be Healthy men and women, African American or Caucasians and have no history of diabetes, heart problems, or kidney problems. The study involves performing exercise, taking metoprolol, consuming prepared meals, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated. Please e-mail Nehal Vekariya at nvekariya@uabmc.edu if you are interested.
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You may be eligible to participate in a research study about the effects of sacubitril/valsartan on how your body handles insulin and glucose. This medication is related to the heart. Eligible participants must be healthy men and women, African American, and have no history of diabetes, heart problems, or kidney problems. The study involves performing some exercise, taking sacubitril/valsartan, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated. Please e-mail Nehal Vekariya at nvekariya@uabmc.edu if you are interested.
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You may be eligible for a research study if you are a female 18 or older and have been diagnosed with endometriosis. Study medication and clinic visits provided at no cost. Compensation provided for every visit. Please call 205-934-1322 or email slangan@uabmc.edu to hear more information.
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Then you may be eligible for a research study. If you are female ages 18-49 and were diagnosed with endometriosis in the last 10 years, you may qualify to receive study medication at no cost to you. For more information call 205-934-1322 or email slangan@uabmc.edu. Compensation provided for completed visits.
Published in Clinical Trials
You may be eligible to participate in a research study about the effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan on how your body handles insulin and glucose. This medication is related to the heart. Eligible participants must be healthy men and women, African American, and have no history of diabetes, heart problems, or kidney problems. The study involves exercising, taking sacubitril/valsartan or valsartan, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated. Please e-mail Dr. Vibhu Parcha, vparcha@uabmc.edu if you are interested. 
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If you are at least 18 years of age, can read and write in English, are generally healthy, and have no history of mental illness or psychiatric disorders, please leave a voice message at (205) 934-2484 or email lalexander@uabmc.edu for more information.
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Is your child in good health without Diabetes, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Thyroid dysfunction, Autoimmune diseases, Moderate to Severe Intellectual disability, or Taking medications affecting? If so, your child may be eligible to participate in a research study at UAB. Compensation up to $140 for two visits, each visit lasting 5 hours. For more information, please call the UAB Office of Psychiatric Research at Call: 205-975-4207
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Healthy men and women, ages 18 to 75, are needed for a study exploring the reason why individuals who have diabetes have an increased risk of forming a calcium oxalate kidney stone. The study involves consuming prepared meals over 4 days and collecting urine and blood. Compensation $130. Please phone Demond at 205-934- 5712 or email kidneystone@uabmc.edu, if you are interested.
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Junghee Lee, Ph.D. (UAB Psychiatry) is looking for healthy volunteers without any psychiatric illness to participate in a study called “Disrupted Social Preference in Early Psychosis.” The main purpose of this research project is to gather information on the nature of problems in social information processing in persons with schizophrenia compared to community controls. You will be compensated $25/hour and up to $260 for your participation. If you are between 18 and 35, have no history of problematic drug or alcohol use for the past three months, and no history of neurological disorders or psychiatric problems, please call (205) 934-8203 or email our lab team at nlsb.uab@gmail.com for further information.
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We are looking for healthy individuals to participate in a study to examine the effects of buprenorphine and baclofen in humans. This pilot study will be used to gather initial evidence to assess the analgesic interaction, safety, acceptability, and feasibility of using buprenorphine and baclofen in humans before conducting a larger clinical trial to examine efficacy in patients. We will be giving participants a one-time low dose of a partial opioid agonist buprenorphine or baclofen. Participants will be required to attend two visits one week apart and asked to complete questionnaires, pain testing, and a blood draw. Participants will receive up to $150 for completing the study. You may not be eligible to participate if you have significant health problems, are pregnant, or are taking certain medications. Please contact Tammie at tquinn@uab.edu or call 205-934-8743. Leave a short message with your name, number, and mention that you are interested in the BACUP study.
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The Better BP study is currently enrolling 660 adults to take part in a research study about how to measure blood pressure. We are seeking adults older than 19 years of age who are not currently taking medications for high blood pressure, have no history of cardiovascular disease or major arrhythmias, no known sleep apnea and not known to be currently pregnant. Participants will be compensated $150 for completing four study visits in the UAB Hypertension Research Clinic located at the 19th Street Community Health Bldg. To confirm your eligibility for this study, please call 205-934-1400 or email bpstudy@uab.edu to schedule your telephone screening, which should take approximately 10 minutes.
Published in Clinical Trials
Healthy and Obese Adults Needed Obese adults, age 25 to 45 years old, are needed to determine if the timing of salt intake affects blood pressure throughout the day. This study involves 12 visits over 8 weeks. Participants will be compensated for participation. You may not be eligible to participate if you have significant health problems, are pregnant, or are taking certain medications. Please contact Alexis at aelambert@uabmc.edu or call (205) 582-7761 if you are interested in learning more about this study.
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This study is being done to determine your balance ability and confidence while performing two tasks that challenge your balance. The first task involves walking at a range of speeds. The second task involves responding to disturbances to balance while standing. If you qualify, your participation in the study sessions will require 2 visits to the laboratory. Each visit will be no more than three hours. Your decision to participate in this study is completely voluntary. There will be no compensation fee to you for taking part in this study. Please e-mail Jutaluk Kongsuk, PT, MS, jutalukk@uab.edu or contact her at 978-3592 if you are interested.
Published in Clinical Trials
Volunteers needed for exercise and blood pressure study. You may be eligible to participate in a research study about the effects of exercise and Metoprolol, a blood pressure pill, on a protein in your blood. This protein is related to heart disease. Eligible participants must be healthy men and women, African American or Caucasian with no history of diabetes, heart problems, or kidney problems. The study involves exercising, taking metoprolol, consuming prepared meals, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated. Please email Dr. Vibhu Parcha at vparcha@uabmc.edu if you are interested.
Published in Clinical Trials
You may be eligible to participate in a research study about the effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan on how your body handles insulin and glucose. This medication is related to the heart. Eligible participants must be healthy men and women, African American, and have no history of diabetes, heart problems, or kidney problems. The study involves exercising, taking sacubitril/valsartan or valsartan, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated. Please e-mail Dr. Vibhu Parcha, vparcha@uabmc.edu if you are interested.
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The purpose of this study is to help research scientists and physicians gain a better understanding of how the brain works as well as understand why some people respond well to drug treatment for mental disorders and why others do not. Participation involves 5 study visits over the course of 16 weeks with MRI scans of the brain, questionnaires and assessments related to daily and psychiatric functioning, and an optional blood sample. You will be compensated up to $400 for your participation. For more information and to see if you qualify please contact Lindsay McCormick at (205) 996-9813 or lkmccormick@uabmc.edu
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Healthy and obese African American adults ages 25 to 45 years old are needed to study the effect of the time of day of salt intake on changes in blood pressure during the day. You will not be able to participate if you have certain health problems, are pregnant, or use certain medications. Involves 12 visits over 8 weeks. Compensation provided. Contact Alex at 205-975-9743 or alexlm@uabmc.edu .
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Seeking participants for the effects of mood on attention study. Must be age 21 or older. Must be in good health. Attend one session and earn between $10 and $30. For more information please contact: Mood Study Researchers 205-975-7809 or Caitlin Clevenger, PhD 205-996-2452.
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The Department of Neurology is seeking healthy controls for its Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Parkinson Disease. Enrollment involves 2 visits over a 3-6 week period. For more information please contact Allen Joop at 205-934-5954.
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This research study will be investigating how adults detect lies. The study will involve one 3-hour visit to the Cognition, Brain, and Autism Research Laboratory where subjects will complete cognitive tests and watch and rate videotaped interviews. Subjects will be compensated $40 for their time. Participants must be native English speakers and between the ages of 18 and 30 years old. If interested, call the Cognition, Brain, and Autism Research Laboratory at (205) 934-0971 or email cbralab@uab.edu
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Volunteers needed for exercise and blood pressure study. You may be eligible to participate in a research study about the effects of exercise and Metoprolol, a blood pressure pill, on a protein in your blood. This protein is related to heart disease. Eligible participants must be healthy men and women, African American or Caucasian with no history of diabetes, heart problems, or kidney problems. The study involves exercising, taking metoprolol, consuming prepared meals, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated. Please email Dr. Vibhu Parcha at drparcha@uab.edu if you are interested.
Published in Clinical Trials
You may be eligible to participate in a research study about 24-hour rhythm of a protein in your blood. This protein is related to the heart. Eligible participants must be healthy men or women, African American or Caucasian and have no history of diabetes, heart problems or kidney problems. The study involves consuming prepared meals, wearing a blood pressure monitor for 24-hours, 24-hour inpatient stay, and collecting blood samples and urine samples. Participants will be compensated and meals will be provided at no cost. Please e-mail Dr. Vibhu Parcha, drparcha@uab.edu if you are interested.
Published in Clinical Trials
Women are needed for a study examining how naturally occurring bacteria in the gut may impact weight loss. Participation involves eating study-provided meals for 4 weeks, completing questionnaires, providing basic body measurements, and providing stool and occasional blood samples. Meals are provided at no cost and additional compensation is available. Eligible participants must be generally healthy African American or Caucasian women, age 30-50, currently overweight, and not currently pregnant or nursing. For more information contact the FEED ME Study at 205-934-1715.
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