Displaying items by tag: research administration

Funds for recruitment and retention, enhanced research capabilities, new leadership roles and new infrastructure for interdisciplinary collaboration are all fueling the initiative's bold vision of growing the UAB research enterprise to increase our positive impact on people’s lives.
Published in Campus News
“Collaborate” and “Excel” are two of UAB’s four Shared Values: We CARE. Brad Steele, J.D., grants and contracts officer in the Office of Sponsored Programs, is an example of those values in action. Steele was recently selected for the Future of the Field award from the Society of Research Administrators International. Here is why.
Published in Achievements
Finding a new electronic research administration solution to replace IRAP, the current tool, was one of the five key priorities for immediate action as part of UAB's Research Strategic Initiative: Growth with Purpose. After approval by the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees early this month, UAB has selected an integrated, cloud-based platform that will be named myUABResearch.
Published in Campus News
The final report from UAB’s engagement with Huron Consulting and Urban Impact Advisors recommended forming six working groups to enable the goals of the Research Strategic Initiative: Growth with Purpose. In collaboration with the UAB deans and the chair of the Faculty Senate, the Executive Steering Committee has identified two co-chairs to lead each working group.
Published in Campus News

The facility, one of 15 shared resource labs at UAB and among the busiest, is one of a handful of leading labs to be recognized by the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry, or ISAC.

Published in Core Facilities
Missed the meeting? Find out about high-growth research areas, governance plans and more in this recap.
Published in Campus News
President Watts will share an important update on planning during a town hall on March 20. Several areas for improvement identified by stakeholders during the data collection phase last summer were immediately actionable and have already led to significant gains.
Published in Campus News
Over its 28 years, this signature program has awarded grants totaling almost $60 million. Meet recipients and see how the HSF-GEF grants make UAB “a place where, if you have a good idea, you can find the support to make it a reality.”
Published in Funding Opportunities
UAB is leading an internal review to select a small group of proposals to send forward to the State of Alabama for funding consideration as part of a nearly $249 million settlement. The deadline for proposals to UAB’s internal review process is Aug. 31.  
Published in Take Note

UAB scientists will have a new arsenal of state-of-the-art, high-end technology for their investigations in infectious diseases and pandemic preparedness through a $4.3 million scientific equipment grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Published in Grants Awarded
Sixto Leal, M.D., Ph.D., will enhance the scientific vision for UAB’s Southeastern Biosafety Laboratory Alabama Birmingham as it takes a leading role in COVID research and a new world of pandemic preparedness. Leal also will work to attract new investigators to the state-of-the-art facility.
Published in Appointments
High-stakes negotiations, comma wars and acres of fine print — it’s all in a day’s work for the hard-working staff in the Office of Sponsored Programs.
Published in Behind the Scenes

Colleagues explain say retiring Animal Resources Program Director Samuel Cartner, DVM, Ph.D., has helped shape the institution’s research.

Published in Achievements

Alabamians have early access to potentially life-saving vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 through UAB. Why? The same reasons that clinical trials activity at UAB has more than doubled in the past five years. Here's how it happened.

Go behind the scenes of our latest grants and contracts in this new series — including a grant that is taking UAB investigators into the heart of the dark web of opioid trafficking.  

New research funding powers UAB investigators pushing the envelope in all areas of discovery. Go behind the scenes of our latest grants and contracts in this new series — including a peek inside an orbiting super-fridge that sips electricity in space.  

The plan, rolling out this spring for more than 500 clinical research staff, aims to clarify opportunities for advancement. 

Published in Take Note