Fellowship to provide deeper knowledge of personal finance

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money matters STREAMApplications are being accepted for UAB’s Regions Institute for Financial Education Teaching and Research Fellows Program, which seeks to develop leaders in personal finance research and teaching. This one-year program will encourage selected fellows to reflect on the historical importance of finance in well-functioning societies, promote financial literacy in the UAB community and beyond and commit themselves to addressing the challenges to that.

The RIFE Teaching and Research Fellows Program is open to all faculty from any department. To apply, submit a personal statement indicating the reasons for applying and include letters of support from the department chair and dean to RIFE@uab.edu by Sept. 8.

The RIFE Teaching and Research Fellows Program is open to all faculty from any department.

Each class will consist of no more than 10 fellows, who will receive a $500 honorarium at the end of the spring semester.

Selected fellows must participate in the annual RIFE Financial Education Conference March 1-3, 2018, commit to participating in personal finance-related research and/or teaching in conjunction with UAB’s Regions Institute for Financial Education and attend at least three two-hour seminars. Seminars are scheduled 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Oct. 6, Nov. 3, Dec. 1 during the fall semester; the dates for spring semester are Jan. 5 and Feb. 2, 2018.