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The grant application from UAB should only list the UAB institutional base salary and request the salary in proportion to the effort devoted to the project.

A signed copy of the VA MOU only (Other Support is not required at this time) must be submitted with the application to OSP for a new, competing or resubmission grant application and with a progress report if there is a change in responsibilities from the original submission. The MOU, including Other Support, must be updated with:

  1. a Just-in-Time (JIT) submission,
  2. each significant change (i.e. change in VA appointment or significant change of 25% or greater in research commitment) of the faculty member’s responsibilities or effort or
  3. at the very least annually if there was no significant change (one year since the last revision).

All faculty members listed on a proposal who have a joint UAB/VA appointment must:

  • disclose the joint appointment on the budget justification of the application, and
  • complete the UAB/VA MOU in accordance with the above paragraph.

Cost Sharing: Please note that any VA effort expended on a sponsored project at UAB must be approved by the VA and disclosed to the sponsor. Any such effort does not fulfill any mandatory cost sharing requirements even with sponsor approval. Any effort should be referred to as effort expended on a VA appointment and must never be referred to as “cost sharing”. It is not acceptable to cost share with other federal funds unless it is specifically authorized in the appropriation.

Information in IRAP – Search for Proposal Type of VA MOU or amendment.