Explore UAB



  • What is the difference between an RA and a PWA?

    Resident Assistants and Peer Wellness Ambassadors have some similarities, but the primary job expectations and responsibilities are different.

    RAs are assigned to a specific set of students based on their room assignments and they work to build community amongst that group by hosting programs and connecting with individual residents.

    PWAs are not assigned to a set group of residents for the academic year. Depending on their specific role, Educator or Coach, PWAs provide education and support to all on campus residents through wellness related programming and peer coaching.

  • Can I apply to both the RA and PWA positions?

    Returning applicants may only apply for one of the two roles.

    New applicants to the role may apply to both positions. However, candidates will only be offered one position based on candidate preference and overall qualifications, fit for the different roles, and role availability as demonstrated through the selection process.

  • May I miss student staff training if I have a scheduling conflict?

    Student Staff Training will have to be your priority during this week! If you encounter a conflict, you are expected to communicate to your supervisor who will work with you to submit a training absence request form. Supervisors are required to be at all training for student staff members

  • Will my financial aid be affected if hired?

    If you receive financial aid, your aid package MAY be affected by the scholarship awarded. Please check with One Stop Services to determine if accepting a position will change your aid package.

  • How will I be notified about my candidate status?

    All candidates who meet the eligibility requirements are sent an email for an interview. Once the interview process concludes and decisions are made, candidates are notified electronically via their UAB email. There are three decision types:

    Hire or Offer: Offers are for specific positions (PWA Coach for upperclassmen applicants or PWA Educator for first-year applicants). Once an offer is accepted by the deadline given, additional information will be gathered to complete required employment documents, some will be online, and others are to be printed and returned to the Residence Life Office.

    Alternate: When there are more qualified candidates than positions available, which is typically the case, candidates are offered an alternate status that must be accepted or declined. Those who accept the alternate status will be contacted to fill staff vacancies as they occur. The alternate pool is not ranked, candidates are selected based on their ability to fill a particular position. If the alternate pool is exhausted, the position will be advertised, and new applications will be accepted.

    Not Hired: Candidates who will no longer be considered for staff positions.

  • What is the GPA Requirement for PWAs?

    PWAs will be required to have and maintain a minimum of a 2.5 semester and cumulative GPA throughout the term of their employment. To begin employment, new employees must meet the same GPA requirements and be in good standing with the university.

  • What skills and qualifications are you looking for in PWA candidates?

    The PWA job descriptions will help you gain a better understanding of the positions and what skills or experiences we look for in applicants. Check them out by clicking the “Job Description” tab on the navigation bar above.