Avery Wiles
Major: Healthcare Management/Pre-Occupational Therapy
Why did you become an RA: I really valued my RA’s support and guidance throughout my freshman year, and I wanted to be able to do the same for others! Being able to build relationships with residents and staff as well as getting more connected to on-campus life has been so rewarding!
Other extra-curricular activities you hold while being an RA: I am part of the Health Equity Leadership Academy through the School of Health Professions! I am also involved in Pre-OT Society and Campus Outreach here on campus!
Favorite place on campus: My favorite spot on campus is probably one of the upper floors of University Hall! Some of the best study spots around!
What do you wish you had known about the RA position before you started: One thing I wish I would’ve known before becoming an RA is how big of a time commitment it is. It is a large part of your day-to-day life, so organization and time-management skills are key!

Alison Miller
Major: Health Care Management with a minor in Public health
Why did you become an RA: I became an RA because I wanted to become more comfortable with new people and learn how to build and strengthen communities within the Residence Halls. I had a very positive experience as a resident on UAB's campus and wanted the same for future residents and for them to have a community of people who will back them up and be there for them.
Other extra-curricular activities you hold while being an RA: I am the Social media coordinator for UAB Green Initiative and Generation Action. I am also a member of Cure and the Health Care Management Student Association.
Favorite place on campus: I love sitting outside the second floor of University Hall, especially when the weather is nice out, you can see all of the Green and can sit in the shade to get work done.
What do you wish you had known about the RA position before you started: I wish I had known beforehand that this is not a one-person job. Being an RA is very much about working in a team and knowing when to ask for help when you need it. Your Co-Ras and RLC are there for you and they want you to be successful in the position, but not to the point where you are too overwhelmed. Ask for help where you need it, you work in a team for a reason!

Keauna Hooks
Major: Kinesiology with a concentration in Exercise Science
Why did you become an RA: I became an RA to dismantle the fear I had of leadership. I wanted to prove to myself that I was capable of leading people regardless of the setting.
Other extra-curricular activities you hold while being an RA: I am a Core Team leader and a social media marketer for Ransom, a part of the Food Committee for the African Student Association, and I am involved in the Pre-Dental Society here on campus.
Favorite place on campus: Any place with a nice white board!
What do you wish you had known about the RA position before you started: I wish I had known how recognizable I would be to students and staff! I often find myself waving and smiling at so many people throughout the day. I love that quality of being an RA because it helps me to build genuine connections with students and staff!

River Hallex
Major: Biology
Why did you become an RA: I wanted to create a strong and unique community, like I had my first year as a Blazer, because it helped me build relationships and feel comfortable in this new environment.
Other extra-curricular activities you hold while being an RA: I am part of ClimbOn (Rock Climbing Club), Triathalon Club, Baptist Campus Ministries, Film Club, and Honors College, and I also love photography.
Favorite place on campus: The Rock Climbing Wall at the University Rec Center.
What do you wish you had known about the RA position before you started: I wish I knew how to work the printer (aka humanity’s downfall) in the Student Housing and Residence Life Office, because it was a learning curve.

Shree Delwadia
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Why did you become an RA: I became an RA because it was an opportunity to build a sense of community and support for my residents. As someone who loves meeting new people, I also wanted to create meaningful relationships with my residents and the fellow staff members in my building.
Other extra-curricular activities you hold while being an RA: Alongside being an RA, I serve as a Site Leader for Leadership and Service Council and as a volunteer at Children's of Alabama. I'm also a manager for one of UAB's cultural dance teams, Birmingham's Blazin' Bhangra (BBB).
Favorite place on campus: My favorite place on campus is the balcony on the 3rd floor of the Hill Student Center! I love doing my work on the balcony while also getting an amazing view of the campus.
What do you wish you had known about the RA position before you started: I wish I had known about the love and support that came with the RA position. The role might seem nerve-wrecking at first, especially as a first-year RA, but you always have the support of your staff and supervisors. I was also nervous about making connections with my residents, but it's important to remember that connections and relationships take time, so it's important not to force anything. Every RA is unique in their own way, but that's what makes each RA awesome!

Joshua Wynn
Major: Engineering Design
Why did you become an RA: I love community building and interacting/helping with others. I worked during the World Games and one of the best parts of that summer was creating a community in Denman and interacting with my other co-workers.
Other extra-curricular activities you hold while being an RA: I'm in the Taekwondo club at UAB(founder/former president), KUSA, VSA, Student Affiliates of American Chemical Society, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Robotics club at UAB.
Favorite place on campus: EEC 358, aka Fish Bowl, it's a fun study spot and very chill right after class.
What do you wish you had known about the RA position before you started: You have to set your own boundaries while helping others.