Explore UAB

Student Leader Selection

  • Student Leader

    Student Leader Selection provides UAB students with an opportunity to preview and apply to multiple University Funded Organizations through one application process. Student Leader Selection takes place in the Spring semester of each academic year and is managed by the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership.

  • Organizations participating in Student Leader Selection include:

    UAB Ambassadors First Blazers Serve205
    Blazer Spirit Council Leadership & Service Council Off-Campus Student Council
    Black Student Awareness Committee Social Justice Advocacy Council Blazer Male Excellence Network
    International Mentors Queer Peers SafeZone Peer Educators
    Free Food for Thought SYE Leadership Team Blazer Productions Assistants
    UAB Pathfinders
  • Student Leader Selection

    Student Leader Selection is hosted in the Spring of each academic year. A timeline will be published by the conclusion of the Fall semester. In general, applications open in January and close in February. Interviews happen late February and new leaders are announced in March of each academic year.

    Applications open January 20  
    Applications close February 9 at 11:59p.m.
    Preview Event (meet the orgs!) January 29 from 11:30am - 1pm in the Blazer Lower RLC (Across from the Commons)  
    Applicants selected for interviews will be notified the week of February 10.
    Interview Workshop February 24 at 6:00p.m. in HSC Ballroom D  
    Interviews February 25 - March 3 (by invitation)  
    Selection Announcement March 7  

    Application Link

  • How to Participate:

    Step 1: Preview & Prepare

    Participate in the optional Preview Event. All participating organizations will be tabling during this time to enable interested members to learn more about membership and involvement. See the timeline tab for more information.

    Step 2: Apply

    Applications open on January 20 and close February 9. There is only one application for all participating organizations. To access the application, login to Engage, click the Forms tab, and then search “Student Leader Selection Application”.

    Step 3: Check Email

    After you apply, check your email for an interview notification. Notifications will be emailed to your UAB email address February 11-21.

    Step 4: Interview Preparation

    Participate in the optional Interview Workshop. The workshop is hosted in-person in the Hill Student Center. See the timeline tab for more information.

    Step 5: Interview

    Applicants invited to interview will receive instructions that outline how to sign up for an interview slot as well as information on how to access the virtual interview. Interviews will be conducted over the course of several days. Students that apply to more than one organization may have several interviews.

    Step 6: Selections

    Final selections will be announced via Engage News on March 7!

  • FAQs

    • Is there a minimum grade requirement?

      Yes, we believe students need to devote focus on their academic obligations, first and foremost! Most organizations require a minimum of a 2.5GPA. This does differ by organization. For example, BMEN requires a 2.75 and the UAB Ambassadors require a 3.0. Attend a Preview event of check out the Engage “Student Leader Selection” organization page to learn more about each organization’s requirement.

    • What is asked during the interviews?

      The interview portion of Student Leader Selection provides us with a better opportunity to learn about you, your interests, and strengths. Interviews are not mean to be intimidating or overwhelming; we just want to learn about you and your interest in this role! We provide an optional Interview Workshop as a part of Student Leader Selection to assist students who want to sharpen their interview skills.

    • If I am selected, when do student leader positions start?

      The leadership position is for one academic year (Summer, Fall, and Spring). Student Leader training starts in April for most organizations.

    Additional Leadership Opportunities

    Student Involvement & Leadership

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