Graduate Careers
M.S. in Computer Science
Students with the MSCS degree go on to solve computational problems in the sciences and engineering, while bringing a deeper, broader perspective to such problems than they received at the Bachelor of Science level.

Potential career paths include:
- software engineer
- systems analyst
- database administrator
- network and systems administrator
- operations research analyst
- data science and big data analyst information security analyst
- computer network architect
M.S. in Data Science
Students with the MSDS degree go on to solve computational data analytics, data modeling, and big data computing problems in sciences, engineering, education, marketing, banking, insurance, online retail business, political campaigns, and many other fields.
Potential career paths include:
- data analysts
- data scientists
- data engineers
- data architects
- data warehousing architects
- business intelligence analysts
M.S. in Computer Forensics and Security Management
Students with the MSCFSM degree go on to solve problems such as tracking criminals to e-mail crime, identifying malware provenance and attack vectors in computer systems, and working specific criminal investigations where computers, networks, and/or e-commerce are involved.
Potential career paths include:
- database security analyst
- network security analyst
- cloud security analyst
- online crime investigator
- system security and privacy analyst
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Students completing the CS Ph.D. go on to find new ways to mine “big data” from the Internet, solve cyber crime problems, create innovative visualization and graphics solutions, advance the use of modern IT infrastructure (such as cloud computing), and pursue inquiries at the frontiers of computer science understanding.
Potential career paths include:
- college/university faculty
- national research lab researcher
- industry lab researcher (e.g., market research analyst, competitive intelligence analyst, quantitative analyst, operations research analyst)
- finance company data scientist