Cyber Security
Protecting cyber-infrastructures from attacks and criminal activities is paramount to our society. Our cybersecurity research takes a holistic approach to studying the nuts and bolts of cyberattacks and building transformative solutions that can prevent, detect, and recover from these attacks.
We work on technologies, applications, and theoretical foundations of cybersecurity, with focus on network security, mobile device security, wireless security, applied cryptography, cloud security, user-centered security, software security, digital forensics and criminal investigations.
We often take a multi-disciplinary perspective to solving security problems, exemplified by our ongoing collaborations with Justice Sciences, Psychology, School of Health Professions, and more. Our team plays a leadership role in the UAB Center for Cyber Security (the Center) — and has a history of transitioning its research into practice through start-ups. Our research is well-integrated with research in CS’s other research clusters and with our many security programs (e.g., the M.S. in CFSM and the B.S. in Digital Forensics). Our research in this cluster is funded by federal agencies including NSF, NSA, DHS and ONR, and industrial entries including Google, Cisco, Comcast, Facebook, Microsoft, and eBay.