Departments of BME, Pathology Represent Cardiology Research at AHA
by Christina Crowe
The American Heart Association’s annual Scientific Sessions meeting in Chicago, November 5-7, saw representation from researchers across both the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) and the Department of Pathology this year.
Students in the labs of researchers in both specialties presented posters across a broad spectrum of topics in the field.
Yu An Lu, graduate student in the lab of Yang Zhou, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, BME, presented a poster on, “Stage-Specific Roles of ELMSAN1 in the Control of Cardiac Cell Fate Differentiation of Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.”
Jay Zhang, at left, with Suzanne Oparil,M.D., Division of Cardiology, UAB Department of Medicine at center.
Ballinger named associate dean for Faculty Affairs
Scott Ballinger, Ph.D.Written by Jessica Martindale
Scott Ballinger, Ph.D., has been named the new associate dean for Faculty Affairs.
Ballinger has a broad academic background, including an undergraduate degree in Zoology, a master’s degree in Wildlife Fisheries, a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, and postdoctoral training in Environmental Pathology.
Read moreUAB Pathology Celebrates Anderson Portrait Dedication
by Hannah Buckelew
(l-r): Dr. Anderson's eldest son Robert, his wife Lindsey, their son Robert Charles Anderson, Dr. Peter Anderson, and his wife JoanColleagues in the Department of Pathology gathered Wednesday, October 5, for a reception to dedicate the portrait of Reverend Robert and Ruth Anderson, parents of Peter Anderson, D.V.M., Ph.D., Professor, Molecular and Cellular Pathology, and benefactor of the Robert and Ruth Anderson Endowed Chair, held by the Department Chair George Netto, M.D.
UAB Pathology Celebrates Milestones at Recognition Reception
by Christina Crowe
Our department gathered some of its longest-serving, most highly honored faculty alongside some of our newer faculty members on October 20 to recognize awards and distinctions from the previous two years. At an event previously intended to be annual, but postponed by COVID, several faculty, trainees and staff came together at the UAB National Alumni House to celebrate with a dinner reception.
The following individuals were recognized:
Erin Ahn, Ph.D. Featured Discovery, January 2022
Vishnu Reddy, M.D., UAB President’s Excellence Award
Casey Weaver, M.D., National Academy of Sciences
Michael Williams, M.D., M.Sc. Fellow, The Pathologist Power List
Tom Winokur, M.D. New Division Director, Women’s Health
CPPP Welcomes New Faculty Bixby in October
by Hannah Buckelew
On October 3, 2022, the Department of Pathology welcomes a new member to our UAB Community Pathology Practice Program (CPPP) in Montgomery, AL.
Eric Bixby, M.D., joins the department as assistant professor from both Brookwood Baptist Medical Center where he served as Laboratory Medical Director and PathGroup where he served as a pathologist in Birmingham, AL.
Read moreMurphy-Ullrich Appointed Editor of Matrix Biology and Matrix Biology Plus
by Hannah Buckelew
Joanne Murphy-Ullrich, Ph.D., Professor, Molecular and Cellular Pathology, has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of two Elsevier journals Matrix Biology and Matrix Biology Plus. This appointment is a three-year term, effective September 2022.
Read moreChandrashekar Promoted to Assistant Professor, Genomic Diagnostics and Bioinformatics
by Hannah Buckelew
The UAB Department of Pathology is pleased to announce that Darshan Shimoga Chandrashekar, M.Sc., Ph.D., has been promoted to assistant professor in the Division of Genomic Diagnostics and Bioinformatics, directed by Alexander “Craig” Mackinnon, Jr. M.D., Ph.D, effective October 1, 2022. Dr. Chandrashekar has been a Researcher V in the Department of Pathology’s Division of Molecular and Cellular Pathology since 2021, but has been in the department since 2015 when he joined as postdoctoral researcher.
Molecular and Cellular Pathology Welcomes New Faculty in October
by Hannah Buckelew
On October 1, 2022, the Department of Pathology welcomes two new members to the Division of Molecular and Cellular Pathology, directed by Ralph Sanderson, Ph.D.
Ming He, M.D., Ph.D., joins the department as assistant professor from the University of California, San Diego, where he served as an Assistant Project Scientist in the Department of Medicine’s Division of Cardiology.
Tyrrell Awarded R00 to Study Increased Risk of Vascular Disease
Daniel Tyrrell, Ph.D.Daniel Tyrrell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Molecular and Cellular Pathology, was recently awarded an R00 to study the increased risk of vascular disease in older adults. Tyrrell, who joined the department in August, had an active K99 grant funded at the University of Michigan by the National Institutes of Health, to study, “Cerebrovascular Mitochondrial Function in Aging and Ischemic Injury.”
This grant mechanism is designed to support rising faculty members, and is Tyrrell's first. The proposed research will examine mechanisms of why older adults are at increased risk of vascular disease.
"Current treatments for dementia are inadequate for people of all ages," Tyrrell says. “My proposed research will determine how mitochondria and inflammation in blood vessels in the brain enhance cognitive decline with the goal of improving treatment for dementia and related diseases in blood vessels of the brain.”
Read moreUAB Pathology Celebrates Research at 2022 Retreat
The UAB Department of Pathology was proud to pull together faculty, trainees, students and staff from across campus to celebrate the variety of research endeavors ongoing in the department in its 2022 Research Retreat.
The event took place Friday, September 23, at the Hill University Center. A total of 148 faculty, staff, and trainees, as well as some undergraduate and medical students, registered and took part in this year's event.
Miller Co-authors Article in Neuro-Oncology on EGFR as GBM Target
C. Ryan Miller, M.D., Ph.D., Vishnu Reddy Translational Research Endowed Professor and Division Director, Neuropathology, published a review article in the journal Neuro Oncology on September 19 with colleagues on EGFR, the epidermal growth factor receptor, arguing for its role in precision oncology treatment of glioblastoma (GBM), a currently untreatable form of brain cancer.
"EGFR, the Lazarus target for precision oncology in glioblastoma," is a review focused on a topic Miller wished to study for years, but received multiple rejections for grant applications on the topic before finally obtaining funding this January.
ASCP Mastership Bestowed on Gene Siegal, M.D., Ph.D.
The UAB Department of Pathology is excited to announce that Gene Siegal, M.D., Ph.D., Robert M. Mowry Endowed Professor and Vice Chair, was recently awarded the designation of "Mastership" from the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP). Siegal was presented with the award at the ASCP's 100th Annual Meeting, held in Chicago, September 7-9, 2022.
Dr. Henry (Harv) Rinder, then-ASCP President and now Immediate Past President, presenting Dr. Gene Siegal with the award.
Established in 2007, the Mastership serves to recognize those distinguished members who have made significant contributions to the field of pathology and laboratory medicine and to the ASCP. Eligibility is based on years of ASCP membership, significant career accomplishments, and contributions to the Society and to the profession.
Each individual awarded the Master distinction will be able to use the credentials “MASCP” after his/her name.
Women in Medicine: Karthikeyan and Sewell-Loftin Collaborate on Ovarian Cancer Study
by Hannah Buckelew
Mary Kathryn (M.K.) Sewell-Loftin, Ph.D., and Mythreye Karthikeyan, Ph.D.The American Medical Association designates the month of September as Women in Medicine Month to celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of women in the field. To showcase the impactful contributions of women in the UAB Heersink School of Medicine, Mythreye Karthikeyan, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Pathology’s Division of Molecular and Cellular Pathology, and Mary Kathryn (M.K.) Sewell-Loftin, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME), answer a series of questions about their recent collaboration on the study, “Emerging perspectives on growth factor metabolic relationships in the ovarian cancer ascites environment.”
Anderson Receives Distinguished Service Award from NBME
Peter G. Anderson, DVM, Ph.D., Professor of Molecular and Cellular Pathology, received the Edithe J. Levit Distinguished Service Award at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) in Philadelphia. The award recognizes Anderson for his 20 years of dedicated service to the NBME.
Anderson has been a member of the UAB Heersink School of Medicine faculty in the Department of Pathology since 1986 and has been active in research and teaching throughout his career. A member of the NBME since 2002, he first joined the Pathology Test Material Development Committee for the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 on which he served for 5 years; and an additional 4 years as chair. Anderson was also a member of the USMLE Step 1 Committee, the USMLE Management Committee overseeing all three USMLE Step examinations, and he serves on the USMLE Step 1 Forms Review Committee and the Interdisciplinary Review Committee. He was also a test committee representative to the NBME, Chair of the NBME Pathology Committee from 2008 to 2011 and a member and then chair of the Hubbard Award Committee.
Read moreBailey named as Chair of the UAB IACUC
The UAB Office of Research would like to announce the appointment of Shannon Bailey, Ph.D., Professor, Molecular and Cellular Pathology, has been named Chair of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) by the UAB Office of Research. Dr. Bailey’s appointment became effective August 1, 2022. “Dr. Bailey is an excellent choice for chair of the IACUC, bringing a strong portfolio of research, teaching, administrative, and leadership expertise that will be assets to the IACUC and the broader research community at UAB,” said Christopher Brown, Ph.D., Vice President for Research. “We look forward to her contributions as IACUC chair.” Read moreFour Faculty Awarded Promotion and Tenure in 2022
By: Christina Crowe
Published Date: Sep 09
The Department of Pathology is honored to announce the promotion and tenure of four of our esteemed faculty colleagues for 2022, effective October 1, 2022:
Remembering Dr. George Cole, Sr., M.D., former Professor, Clinical Pathology
By: Christina Crowe
Published Date: Sep 09
The UAB Department of Pathology remembers a former faculty member, Dr. George Cole, Sr., M.D., UAB Clinical Pathology, who passed away September 2, 2022, at the age of 88.
Dr. Cole joined the UAB Pathology family in 1966 as a professor of clincial pathology. He also served on the faculty of the Department of Internal Medicine and was board certified in both disciplines. While at UAB, Cole developed an educational program for pathology residents and graduate students and provided additional continuing education for pathologists and many other physicians, including those in family practice. He was appointed Vice Chairman of the Department of Pathology and Director of the Clinical Laboratories of the UAB hospital, 1976-1988. Bill's accomplishments, appointments, and responsibilities gained him international fame. One honor included receiving the American Medical Association Physicians Recognition Award until his retirement. His obituary can be read here. Hildreth Wins 2022 GBS Teaching Award
By: Hannah Buckelew
Published Date: Aug 29
Written by Hannah Buckelew
William Benjamin, Jr., Ph.D., Retires from UAB Pathology, Microbiology with 35 Years of Service
By: Christina Crowe
Published Date: Aug 29
Written by Christina Crowe
Benjamin received his Ph.D. from UAB in the 1980s after having studied at Montana State University for his Master of Science, and Washington State University for his Bachelor of Science degree. He began his professional career at UAB in the Department of Microbiology as a research associate, becoming an instructor in the Department of Pathology in 1991. A year later, Benjamin earned assistant professor status in both departments; by 2008 he had earned full professor status in both. Read moreResearch Spotlight: Yabing Chen, Ph.D., Jay M. McDonald Endowed Chair in Laboratory Medicine
By: Christina Crowe
Published Date: Aug 26
Written by Christina Crowe
The second individual we focus on in our series of researchers holding endowments is Yabing Chen, Ph.D. M.B.A. Dr. Chen is a Professor in the Division of Molecular & Cellular Pathology at UAB Pathology. She is senior scientist with the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center, Center for Aging, Comprehensive Diabetes Center, Center for Free Radical Biology, the Nephrology Research Training Center, and the Nutrition Obesity Research Center. She is a Senior Research Career Scientist at the Birmingham VA Medical Center. Read more |