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b alert

July 24, 2024: We are seeing flash flooding at multiple instersections downtown due to heavy rainfall. Avoid areas with standing water. 

For safety tips, please see uab.edu/police/resources/safety-tips.

A summary of all crime reports is made monthly through data tables by the department's Criminal Records and Property Unit to the main desk at the Mervyn Sterne and Lister Hill Libraries on campus. The statistics have been compiled for several years and are available at any time for students, faculty and staff to read over. Monthly statistics are also reported to the student newspaper, Kaleidoscope.

To assure a timely reporting to the campus community of all serious crimes, employees and students are asked to report the offenses at the UAB Police & Public Safety Building
(1117 14th Street South)
or call (205) 934-4434 to make the report to a dispatched officer.

Call (205) 934-4434 to Report an Incident

Timely information is also passed to members of the community through the "Campus Watch" program consisting of members of the community organized to report crime and through the UAB Hospital's Computer Information System, which assure all major units are informed of any information in the form of a warning, or for action to be taken. Members of the department also post information sheets in highly populated areas on campus or on bulletin boards located throughout campus to notify faculty, staff, and students of critical or newsworthy information.

Normally, a student, faculty, or staff member, over any twenty-four-hour period, in making a report or reporting an incident, crime, or suspicious circumstance, or requesting assistance, need only call the department and a sworn officer will be dispatched to the caller's location to take a report.

If for an emergency, several officers and a supervisor may be dispatched. If for a serious crime or incident, a criminal investigator and a victim witness officer may also be dispatched to assure maximal assistance. Normally, all reported incidences, particularly of a criminal nature will be further visited by an investigator.

For calls not requiring a report or a police response, the dispatcher will route the caller to the appropriate department personnel able to assist or answer questions.

This information is provided in accordance with the provisions of the
Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998.

Campus Security Incident Report Form




(205) 934-4434