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The Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) Program is a woman's self-defense and awareness training program developed by Larry Nadeau and his staff in Virginia. It is an internationally recognized, proactive, physical defensive tactics-training program provided to females around the nation. After much research and extended efforts, the UAB Police & Public Safety Department adopted and is now routinely providing this program as a service to the female population of the UAB community.

The R.A.D. System’s instructional objective is to develop and enhance the options of self-defense, so they become viable considerations to the woman who might be attacked. R.A.D. is a twelve-hour course, which is broken up into three, four-hour sessions offered during the evenings.

The students and aggressor are dressed in special protective gear during the simulation part of the training. This dynamic simulation empowers the women participants by teaching them the essentials of fighting back and fighting back effectively.

R.A.D. is offered all over the United States and Canada. All graduating R.A.D. students can return and practice their self-defense skills at any location where R.A.D. is offered.

If you have any questions concerning the RAD courses, please contact:

Corporal Kimani George 
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(205) 934-2409

Contact the following individuals to obtain course information and/or to register for RAD class(es):

Lieutenant Steven Gladden 
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(205) 996-0871

Deputy Chief Zandral Washington
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(205) 996-2247

Register for RAD


R.A.D. 2025 




(205) 934-4434