Displaying items by tag: comprehensive diabetes center

Many people, including clinicians and researchers, think “the main reason people regain weight after weight loss is because the body fights back” in a phenomenon called metabolic adaptation, said UAB researcher Cátia Martins, Ph.D. Martins, a leading scientist studying metabolic adaptation, explains what she has found and her plans for a groundbreaking clinical trial.
Published in Research Findings
UAB endocrinologist Fernando Ovalle, M.D., explains why new subtypes of diabetes could lead to more precise treatments, fewer doctor visits and potentially reduced health care expenditures.
Published in Advances
Continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps can help patients “live a quality life without burning out on managing diabetes,” said Ananda Basu, M.D., director of the Diabetes Technology Program at UAB.
Published in Advances
Meet the 2022-2023 class of UAB’s flagship leadership academy for high-potential faculty and staff.
Published in Learning & Development
Continuous glucose monitors are “such a useful and impactful behavior modification tool” that half of his patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes now use these devices, said Fernando Ovalle, M.D., director of UAB’s Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Diabetes Clinic. Learn how data leads to better decisions and better control of diabetes.
Published in Advances

Anath Shalev, M.D., did everything she could to change treatment for Type 1 diabetes from her lab, but getting to first-in-human trials meant taking a step she had always resisted. The most surprising thing about launching a startup, though? “I have enjoyed it.”

Published in Achievements

Seven questions for Michael Sloane, Ph.D., on his seven-year quest to race on every continent.

Published in Achievements

John Kearney, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor in the Department of Microbiology, will be honored for 45 years of service to UAB during the annual Service Awards banquet March 6.

Published in Awards & Honors

The UAB Comprehensive Diabetes Center recently hosted its third annual Diabetes Research Day.

Published in Research & Scholarship

The Comprehensive Diabetes Center is only a few years old says Anath Shalev, M.D., — the center's new director— so there is much work to do.

Published in Faculty Appointments