Reporter Staff
| This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Eligible employees in workgroup A will complete self-evaluations in the Performance App. Managers must have conversations with employees and complete evaluations by Sept. 30. Check your workgroup here and visit the Performance Management site for tools, FAQs and training.
The Critical Support site at go.uab.edu/criticalsupport walks users through a six-step process they can follow in high stress situations to help ensure a safe and successful outcome for all involved — and each step includes additional guidance and support tools.
4 honored with Provost's Awards for Faculty Excellence
Jie Gao, Camerron Crowder, Ken Marion and James B. McClintock demonstrated extraordinary commitment to engaging undergraduate students in service learning, undergraduate research and education-abroad experiences.
1. Accidental bowel leakage (fecal incontinence)
2. Urinary leakage (urinary incontinence)
Please call 205-934-5498 to learn more about these studies.
This study focuses on better understanding breast milk composition, the presence or absence of CMV in breast milk, and its possible transmission to babies. CMV is a common virus that most people in the US are infected with by adulthood. Participants will meet with study staff once a month for six months to collect non-invasive samples and answer a questionnaire. Samples collected include oral swabs from you and your baby, a small quantity of breast milk and a skin swab from you, as well as a urine and stool sample from your baby. Participants will be compensated up to $300 for completing the study visits and providing samples. Eligible participants may also qualify for additional sub-studies for additional compensation up to $800.
For more information, please contact us via phone or email at:
Phone: 205-975-3752
Email: milk@uabmc.edu
BrainREAD: A Reading Intervention Study for Children
SAVITRI Study for Depression
Alzheimer’s Dementia and Agitation Clinical Study
UAB's Sick Time Donation Pool currently has a negative number of hours available for UAB employees during times of need.