Reporter Staff

Reporter Staff

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This distinction is an Order of Chivalry for academics and cultural and educational figures recognizing those who are active players in promoting the French language and culture.
The RAC serves a critical role in the oversight of federally funded research involving recombinant DNA and advises the NIH director on such matters.
Study sections review NIH grant applications, make recommendations to the appropriate NIH advisory council or board and survey the status of research in their fields of science.
The CRFS section reviews NIH grant applications that address population-based studies on the emergence, spread, control and prevention of infectious diseases that affect humans.
The ultimate goal of this work is to use findings to aid the development of an effective HIV vaccine to prevent infection.
Following evidence that CT scans can be a reliable screening tool for early detection of lung cancer, UAB becomes the first hospital in Birmingham to offer that service.
UAB employees using CommuteSmart reduced a total of 1,391,395 vehicle miles, equal to fuel savings of $195,208.
Through a UAB professor’s crowdsourcing efforts, volunteers are able to provide textbooks to visually impaired children in Bangladesh.
NACAS annouced Chris Clifford has earned the CASP certificationRead More
The PAF, the philanthropic body of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, provides support to the physician assistant community through scholarships and grants.
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