Displaying items by tag: school of education

This year, the university recognizes 50 years of service by Jeanne Hutchison, Ph.D., and Ferdinand Urthaler, M.D., and 45 years of service by Robert Kim M.D., and Joseph Lovetto. In addition, 294 employees with 20 or more years and 904 with five, 10 and 15 years will honored for their longevity.

Published in Awards & Honors

Each year, UAB’s official photographers capture tens of thousands of images as they document the incredible variety of events and personalities that make up our community. Here are some of our favorite photos of some of the most dramatic months in UAB history.

Published in Go Blazers!

University Professor Jennifer Kilgo, Ph.D., is the recipient of the Ellen Gregg Ingalls/UAB National Alumni Society Award for Lifetime Achievement in Teaching, the highest award for teaching presented by UAB.

Published in Awards & Honors

Faculty have incorporated new Canvas modules in nearly 50 courses and engaged 7,000 students. Is it a fit for your class?

Published in Teaching & Learning

UAB continues to implement its Campus Master Plan through new facilities and renovations to enhance instruction, research, technology and student life.

Published in Campus News
School of Education Dean Autumn Tooms Cyprès, Ed.D., has been named associate provost for lifelong learning, effective Oct. 1. She will lead a university-wide strategic review of UAB’s continuing education efforts. Michelle Robinson, DMD, senior associate dean in the School of Dentistry, will become the interim dean of the School of Education.
Published in Leadership

Twelve faculty have been selected to receive the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, which honors those who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in teaching. The 2020 honorees represent each school, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Honors College and the Graduate School.

Published in Awards & Honors

Neuroengineering doctorate, master’s degrees in higher ed administration and interdisciplinary studies move forward.

Published in Programs & Curricula

Keith Gurley, Ed.D., associate professor in the Department of Human Studies, is one of 12 faculty selected to receive the 2019 UAB President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Published in Awards & Honors

UAB BTS logo FINALUAB students, faculty and staff volunteered with students at Goshen High School in Pike County, Alabama, as part of the Black Belt Friday Bus Tour.

Published in Behind the Scenes

Learn which academic programs are available to staff through UAB’s educational assistance benefit during the third session of Taking Charge of Your Career noon-2 p.m. Nov. 15 in HSC Ballroom A.

Published in Learning & Development

The half-mile trail begins at the rear entrance of the Education Building and winds through the Mini Park before looping around Mervyn Sterne Library. Tack on another half-mile with the optional extension around the Campus Green.

Published in Be Healthy

His newest book explores historical and cultural contexts and constitutional and legal frameworks for science education and offers advice for engaging families, administrators, policy-makers and faith communities.

Published in Teaching & Learning

During the past year, 11 faculty from varied disciplines developed ideas for service-learning to promote active and ethical citizenship, social responsibility and engagement.

Published in Programs & Curricula

After using BlazerPulse in service-learning courses during spring semester, faculty feedback is helping make the online community-engagement platform an even better tool for promoting, organizing and measuring UAB’s impact in the community.

Published in UAB in the Community

Tina Kempin Reuter, Ph.D., and Professor Greg Pence, Ph.D., will carry the mace in the graduate and undergraduate ceremonies, respectively.

Published in Campus News

Twelve faculty have been selected to receive the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, which honors those who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in teaching. The 2019 honorees represent each school, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Honors College and The Graduate School.

Published in Awards & Honors

UAB is the top young university in the United States for the second year in a row — and the No. 12 young university worldwide — in the THE's 2019 Young University Rankings, which are among the world’s most comprehensive, balanced and trusted.

Published in Campus News

Behavior-specific praise has “overwhelmingly positive” results in K-12 settings, said education researcher Robin Parks Ennis — and the same techniques improve workplace morale.

Published in Learning & Development

Grace Cunningham, who will graduate this weekend with her master of science with a concentration in exercise physiology, was diagnosed with lupus at 20 years old, but hasn’t let it slow her down.

Published in Achievements

Success will position UAB, Birmingham and all of Alabama at the epicenter of the race to develop the advanced materials that will power the 21st century.

Published in Research & Scholarship

50thShieldONLY COLORFrom traveling to Antarctica to publishing children’s books, from taking biology educational tools to India to planting pollinator gardens on campus, women have been integral to shaping UAB’s reputation its 50-year history. As part of its annual coverage of Women’s History Month, the UAB Reporter has gathered examples of its more recent coverage of women at UAB.

Published in Achievements

The proposals, which support new approaches to instruction and learning in a team environment, reflect the "incredible diversity of creative scholarship" at UAB.

Published in Learning & Development

UAB Safe streamMajor depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern, more commonly known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), affects as many as 10 million Americans.

Published in Campus Safety
Assistant Professor Gordon Fisher, Ph.D., is recognized for his professional achievements that support the ACSM goals.
Published in Achievements
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