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Contact EH&S

(205) 934-2487

Biosafety Documents
American Biological Safety Association
BMBL - CDC/NIH Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories
CDC Biosafety Resources
EPA Registered Antimicrobials
Pathogen Safety Data Sheets (previously titled Material Safety Data Sheets for infectious substances)
NIH Guidelines
Risk Group Database
Dual User Research of Concern - US Government Policy

Bloodborne Pathogens
Bloodborne Pathogen Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030
Bloodborne Pathogens Compliance Directive

Shipping Infectious Material
Hazardous Materials Regulations (49CFR 100-185)
Interstate Shipment of Etiologic Agents - 42 CFR 72
Packaging and Shipping of Biomedical Material
EH&S Shipping Classification Flowchart

Training Material UAB Bloodborne Pathogens Training
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Videos
Films Available Through LCDC-Canada
NIH Video "Working Safely with Nonhuman Primates"

Occupationally Acquired Diseases (Laboratory Related)
Asthma in Animal Handlers
Latex Allergy - A Prevention Guide - NIOSH
Respiratory Protection

Related Links
American Society for Microbiology
Code of Federal Regulations/Federal Register Search Engine
Prion Diseases (CDC)
CIDRAP, Center for Infectious Disease Research And Policy - University of Minnesota

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
DOT (US Department of Transportation)
EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency)
FDA (US Food and Drug Administration)
NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Association)
USDA (US Department of Agriculture) - APHIS
Federal Select Agent Program