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Instructors can grant extra time and attempts to an individual student, several students, or the entire class on a quiz.  Follow the 3 steps below to add additional time or attempts to a Classic Canvas Quiz. If you are using New Quizzes, see the Canvas guides here.


  • A quiz must be published before you can moderate it.
  • Moderate Quiz information may take a few minutes to update, depending on the size of your course.
  • The until date will end the quiz at that date and time regardless of the allowed time. Make sure you have set the until date of the Canvas Quiz accordingly.
On this page:
  1. Access the desired Quiz in Canvas, then click the Moderate This Quiz (A)
    screenshot with Moderate This Quiz button outlined in red
  2. Click the Pencil icon (B) beside the desired student to moderate their quiz. Instructors can also check multiple students (C) and click the Pencil edit icon at the bottom (D) to make changes to all selected students.
    screenshot with letters that indicate what to click to moderate quiz
  1. Enter the desired number of attempts and/or minutes (A).
  2. Click Save (B).

screenshot of student extensions screen with attempt text boxes outlined

Please Note:

  • If you do not see a place to add time, this quiz does not currently have a set limited duration in the quiz settings.
  • For non-timed quizzes, the timer counts down to the quiz ‘Until date’.
  • Quiz availability dates still apply when adding extra time or attempts. If the Until date passes when students are taking the quiz with extended time, the quiz will auto-submit even if the student's time extension has not expired.

It is important that the instructor adjusts the availability for students so that they can utilize the extra time/attempts given to them. Choose one of the options below to provide access to the quiz outside the normal availability set for the rest of the class.

Option 1:

Unlock the exam for the specified student(s). This allows the selected students to take the quiz the next time they click to access it in Canvas regardless of the availability dates set in the assignment.

  1. When moderating a student’s quiz, check the box for Manually unlock the quiz for the next attempt (A).
  2. Click Save (B).

screenshot of checkbox to manually unlock quiz

Option 2:

Assign specific availability dates for selected student(s).

  1. Click to edit the Canvas Quiz, scroll down to the bottom then click the +Add button to create an additional assign card. This allows you to keep the originally set availability for the rest of the class but provide specific availability to others.
  2. Choose the specific student(s) (A) from the drop down or type to search for their name. Note: Instructors can select entire sections, individual or multiple students, or Canvas groups.
  3. Select a due date (B).
  4. Select the desired Available From (C) date.
  5. Select the desired Until (D) date.
  6. Click Save (E) to save the new availability for the selected students.


We reccomend adding another assign card not replacing the current assignment card. Any students removed from the assign card that have already submitted will no longer display their submissions in the gradebook. The submissions are not lost and can be brought back by adding the specific student or "everyone" to a 'Assign Card'.

screenshot of assign to dialog box with text boxes from option 2 outlined

Note: If you are using a proctoring service such as ProctorU, make sure the accommodation is also provided in their system so the proctor is aware. 


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