Displaying items by tag: research

Many people, including clinicians and researchers, think “the main reason people regain weight after weight loss is because the body fights back” in a phenomenon called metabolic adaptation, said UAB researcher Cátia Martins, Ph.D. Martins, a leading scientist studying metabolic adaptation, explains what she has found and her plans for a groundbreaking clinical trial.
Published in Research Findings
Rachel June Smith, Ph.D., a key recruit in UAB’s Neuroengineering and Brain-Computer Interface Initiative, can predict the frequency of stimulation that will push a brain into the chaos of a seizure — potentially saving patients with intractable seizures time, frustration and money.
Missed the meeting? Find out about high-growth research areas, governance plans and more in this recap.
Published in Campus News
President Watts will share an important update on planning during a town hall on March 20. Several areas for improvement identified by stakeholders during the data collection phase last summer were immediately actionable and have already led to significant gains.
Published in Campus News
Over its 28 years, this signature program has awarded grants totaling almost $60 million. Meet recipients and see how the HSF-GEF grants make UAB “a place where, if you have a good idea, you can find the support to make it a reality.”
Published in Funding Opportunities
Research by UAB genetic epidemiologist Sadeep Shrestha, Ph.D., sheds light on a mysterious condition that is now the leading cause of acquired heart disease among children in the United States.
Published in Research Findings
With research awards breaking all-time records, we toured labs where high-tech tools are driving science forward.

Alabama is a hotbed for fungal diseases — which is why experts in treating and tracking problematic fungi gravitate to UAB. This is great news for Alabamians as killer fungi become a worldwide threat.

UAB is leading an internal review to select a small group of proposals to send forward to the State of Alabama for funding consideration as part of a nearly $249 million settlement. The deadline for proposals to UAB’s internal review process is Aug. 31.  
Published in Take Note
UAB engages Huron Consulting Group and Urban Impact Advisors to assist in developing a research growth strategic plan.
Published in Campus News
How the ambitious NIH initiative is turning precision medicine dreams into reality for hundreds of thousands of Americans left behind by previous studies — and where it is going next.
Despite fewer drivers on Alabama roadways and a decline in injuries per accident, fatal crashes rose over the three years from 2020 through 2022, according to a new analysis by UAB researchers published in the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention.
Published in Research Findings
Experts at ATTIS 2023 shared reports from the front lines, including how they are using ChatGPT in their labs, the need for regulation and why this is a “tremendous time” for health care.
With data from 25,000 deliveries at UAB, Vivek Shukla, M.D., aims to predict which fetal heart rates are cause for concern. He is also earning a Ph.D. in engineering to bridge the gap between clinicians and data scientists.
Published in Research Findings
Take a trip into the Alabama BRAIN Lab in UAB’s Spain Rehabilitation Center, where a team led by neuroengineer Jamie Tyler, Ph.D., is working with patient groups to test promising neuromodulation treatments for chronic pain, insomnia and more.

The goal is to offer career development opportunities for all members of the NSF-funded IISAGE grant, led by Associate Professor Nicole Riddle, Ph.D., in the Department of Biology.

Published in Training & Development
In a search that encompasses geckos, bats, sex-switching fish and more, the NSF-funded IISAGE team is seeking data to explain lopsided lifespans. A key question: How much wiggle room is there in aging?

A chemical mystery drew Matthew Kiszla into tattoo research: Why are red inks most likely to cause rashes and other reactions? Now he is working to analyze commercial inks and looking for collaborators both scientific and artistic.

The event will explore a future of health care that “is going to be anchored in the metaverse” and be the first such symposium to be held both live and in the metaverse itself, according to Rubin Pillay, M.D., Ph.D., executive director of the Marnix E. Heersink Institute for Biomedical Innovation.

Take a look at new technologies being studied at UAB for treatment of depression, sleep apnea, traumatic brain injury and tic disorders.

New treatments emerging from the labs in the Department of Chemistry rely on split-second timing, tiny cargo bubbles and supercomputer-powered predictions.

Beginning Jan. 25, 2023, the National Institutes of Health will implement a new data management and sharing policy, which will increase the rigor, reproducibility and transparency of research and create open access to data.

Published in Funding Opportunities

UAB scientists will have a new arsenal of state-of-the-art, high-end technology for their investigations in infectious diseases and pandemic preparedness through a $4.3 million scientific equipment grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Published in Grants Awarded

Driver assistance tech that comes standard on new vehicles can be tricked into causing accidents — but there is a way to alert humans in time. A UAB grad student and his mentor will share their findings this month at a global conference.

Patients with multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome will soon be able to enroll in the clinical trial of a PET agent that can capture evidence of brain infiltration by white blood cells and could eventually guide treatment.
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