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How to Get a Pre-Proposal/Letter of Intent (LOI) to Submit Processed by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)

Important Notice: All LOIs should be sent to OSP a minimum of two (2) days prior to the sponsor's deadline.


Letter / Pre-Application


Expedited Checklist

OSP Estimate of Time (days) for Processing


Pre-Proposal/LOI which does not require an Institutional Signature: Y N N 0 If the Pre-Proposal does not require a signature and does not include a detailed budget, the Principal Investigator (PI) may submit it to the sponsor without a review by OSP.
Pre-Proposal/LOI with Budget and UAB Signature and Pre-Proposal/LOI which does not require an Institutional Signature but requires OSP submission to sponsor (e.g. NIH, NSF, etc.): Y Y Y 2 OSP requires the completion and submission of an Expedited Checklist and the budget. Please email the checklist, LOI, URL link to the sponsor guidelines, and budget to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Pre-Proposal/LOI (no budget) Needing UAB Signature and there is no Cost Sharing Commitment or submission of Pre-Proposal on the sponsor's site: Y N Y 1 If the Pre-Proposal is a submission on the sponsor's site or a simple Letter of Intent (LOI) to submit a pre-proposal and there is no commitment of cost sharing from UAB, then OSP will sign the letter after the PI or submit to sponsor. Please submit an Expedited Checklist and the LOI and/or URL link to the sponsor guidelines to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Pre-Proposal with Cost Sharing Commitment (budget must be included): Y Y Y 2 If cost sharing language exists or is inferred in the LOI or Pre-Proposal, then the packet requires the completion and submission of an Expedited Checklist (including all signatures), the budget, and Cost Sharing Commitment Form to OSP. Please email the checklist, LOI, URL link to the sponsor guidelines, and other required documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..