Explore UAB

AKU UAB Collab 2

The UAB School of Public Health is developing a collaboration project with The Aga Khan University (AKU) which has locations in Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and the United Kingdom. Dr. Mansoor Saleh, Sparkman Scholar; Dr. Janet Turan, Sparkman Center Director; and Dr. Paul Erwin, Dean of the School of Public Health and Sparkman Scholar have headed the collaboration which focuses on providing funding towards project topics of HIV and cardiovascular disease, still births, and cancer. 

Dr. Turan visted AKU, Nairobi in January to discuss the collaboration and was a guest speaker at AKU Medical College and School of Nursing & Midwifery Faculty Academic Rounds. There she spoke about "Understanding and Addressing Stigma in Communities and Healthcare Settings". 

Dr. Saleh, former Medical Director, Clinical Trials Office is now based in Nairobi at AKU, Nairobi Campus and will continue collaboration conversations when he visits UAB in March. .

We look forward to sharing updates as the collaboration develops.