Explore UAB

Our Newsletter comes out the 2nd of every month. We share news, upcoming events, opportunities, and highlights of the awesome folks we work with. Sign up for the newsletter and read recent issues here.
Ever since seminars have gone virtual, we've been able to record Webinars to share with more folks. See recent webinars here and watch them on our YouTube.
Office Hours
Office Hours are a chance to chat directly with someone in the Sparkman Center and ask any questions you have about our program. At this time, we are offering virtual. See upcoming office hour sessions and register here.
We launched Our blog in February 2020 as a space for Sparkman Center staff and students or staff we work with to share more in-depth information about a pertinent global health issue than we can in a social media post. Read blog posts here.
Global Health Advising
Global Health Advising is a scheduled one-on-one meeting with the Sparkman Team to talk through specific questions regarding GHS courses, Peace Corps Prep, or other general global health and Sparkman programs! If you aren't able to attend office hours, an advising sesison is a great way to get information! For some programs, advising with the Program Manager will be required. All advising sessions are offered over zoom at this time. Schedule an Advising appointment here!