Tutoring at the VMASC is a FREE, peer-facilitated academic support service. VMASC tutors work with students to identify and mobilize resources that promote independent learning and academic success.
All tutors are undergraduate students who have excelled in the course(s) in which they tutor, and have been trained to facilitate discussions on course content, study skills, and effective habits for academic achievement.
Tutoring is available Monday-Thursday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tutoring Subjects
Tutoring services are currently offered for the following courses:
- BY 101 – Topics in Contemporary Biology
- BY 115 – Human Anatomy
- BY 116 – Introductory Human Physiology
- BY 123 – Introductory Biology 1
- BY 124 – Introductory Biology 2
- BY 210 – Genetics
- BY 261 – Introduction to Microbiology
- BY 330 – Cell Biology
- CH-105 - Introductory Chemistry I
- CH-107 - Introductory Chemistry II
- CH 115 – General Chemistry 1
- CH 117 – General Chemistry 2
- CH 235 – Organic Chemistry 1
- CH 237 – Organic Chemistry 2
- CH 460 – Fundamentals of Biochemistry
- MA 098 – Basic Algebra
- MA 102 – Intermediate Algebra
- MA 105 – Pre-Calculus Algebra
- MA 106 – Pre- Calculus Trigonometry
- MA 107 – Pre-Calculus Algebra and Trigonometry
- MA 110 – Finite Mathematics
- MA 125 – Calculus 1
- MA 126 – Calculus 2
- MA 180 – Introduction to Statistics
- PY 101 – Introduction to Psychology
- PY 212 – Developmental Psychology
- SOC 100 – Introduction to Sociology
Nutrition Sciences
- NTR 222-Nutrition and Health
- NTR 420- Nutritional Genetics
Health Care Management
- HCM 360-Statistics for Managers
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to wait until I am really struggling to sign up for tutoring?
No! Tutoring is most effective when started at the beginning of the semester. If you think you may need extra help in a course, you are encouraged to start tutoring as early as possible.
What are the benefits of tutoring?
Tutoring offers several benefits for students, including:
- Individualized learning
- Reinforcement of what is taught in the classroom
- Improved self-confidence and study skills
- Encouragement in overcoming learning obstacles
What should I expect during a tutoring session?
You can expect your tutor to be friendly, patient and sensitive to your individual learning needs. Your tutor will:
- Work with you to set goals and expectations
- Provide support and help you understand how to learn course material
- Ask what you are struggling with and explain concepts using examples similar to your homework
- Help you refine your study skills and encourage your independent learning
- Tutors will not complete homework, take home quizzes/exams, or any other assignments for their tutees. Asking a tutor to complete your work for you is a violation of UAB’s Academic Honor Code.
During the session, you are expected to:
- Be open and honest with your tutor
- Ask questions for clarification
- Take notes to refer to later
How can I get the most from my tutoring session?
Before your Appointment
- Attend all class sessions and take detailed notes
- Read assigned material
- Prepare a list of questions to ask your tutor
- Try homework problems/questions on your own
During your Appointment
- Bring relevant learning material to your session (i.e. textbook, class notes, lecture slides, notebook and pencil, etc.)
- Ask your tutor questions and take detailed notes
- Practice homework problems/questions independently
- Give your tutor feedback about their effectiveness in helping you (Remember, tutoring is a partnership that requires your input; your tutor wants to know if things are not working for you and will make appropriate adjustments to meet your learning style/needs.)
After your Appointment
- Review your notes
- Write down any additional questions to ask during your next tutoring session
- Continue attending class, taking detailed notes and completing practice problems/questions on your own
How do I know my tutor is qualified?
All VMASC tutors have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and have earned a grade of A or B in the course(s) that they tutor. Additionally, each tutor completes an extensive interview process, and tutor training before facilitating sessions with tutees. The tutor training program at the VMASC upholds high guidelines and is certified through the College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA).
How often can I use tutoring services?
There is no limit to the number of tutoring sessions students can schedule, as long as they are currently enrolled and do not miss more than three appointments during the semester.
Can I have a set weekly appointment?
Yes. To schedule a weekly tutoring appointment, please contact the VMASC front desk at (205) 934-8184.
What options are available for online students?
Online students are welcome to schedule tutoring appointments and have the option to meet with their tutor via Zoom. If you are an online student, please request a Zoom meeting when you schedule your appointment online.
What if there are no tutors available when I need help?
Contact the VMASC Office at 205-934-8184 or
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What happens if I have an issue with my tutor?
If you are experiencing a problem with your tutor, respectfully communicate with them to resolve it. If the issue cannot be resolved between the two of you, contact the VMASC Office at 205-934-8184 or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will pass it along to the Tutor Program Coordinator. -
What happens if I miss my appointment?
Tutoring services are in high demand. If you are not able to keep your scheduled appointment, please contact the VMASC by phone or email to cancel or reschedule your appointment. After three missed appointments, you will no longer be able to schedule tutoring for the remainder of the semester.
Who do I contact for additional questions about tutoring services?
Contact the VMASC Office at 205-934-8184 or
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