Displaying items by tag: Distinguished Faculty

Alabama League for Nursing presents faculty with Excellence in Teaching, Lamplighter awards

Marie Bakitas received the American Cancer Society Pathfinder in Palliative Care award for 2018.

State nurse practitioner organization recognizes outstanding alumni

Learn more about faculty in the UAB School of Nursing's Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Specialty.

Number of UAB School of Nursing associated fellows grows to 91

Serving emergency nurse practitioners nationwide

Cynthia Selleck receives Odessa Woolfolk Community Service Award, School’s first

Project focuses on medically underserved areas and includes building and educating undergraduate students, practicing RNs in team-focused primary care
Prestigious designation awarded to three alumni and one faculty
One of 56 international nurse educators selected for initiative of the NLN Center for Transformational Leadership
$1.7 million grant providing oral hygiene training for nursing home staff to improve care for patients with cognitive issues
Honored with 2018 Graduate Dean’s Excellence in Mentorship Award, she is known for exemplary intellectual leadership, and actively guiding her mentees research and training
Election was based upon an exemplary career, educational and research contributions to practice across UAB and in other academic, clinical settings
Term begins in August 2018
Only nurse on committee overseeing Network of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Centers national project
Recognized for years of service to society, profession
Patrician, Miltner head new QSEN initiative based at School
Elected to two-year term leading accreditation standards for informatics, information management programs
Serving two-year term on National Association for Healthcare Quality board
Holland chairing National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health Board of Directors
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