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If you are curious about how important is fitness on your overall mental health, you should join us for the FREE upcoming “Fitness and Mental Health Presentation” webinar hosted by our frineds from the UAB Mental Health Ambasadors. The “Fitness and Mental Health Presentation” will discuss the importance that fitness has on your overall mental health. On behalf of the Mental Health Ambassadors (MHA), we aim to help spread positive mental health and mental health awareness through the lens of fitness. We joined MHA to educate peers on this topic as it is very important to us all. In this presentation, we will shed insight into our own experiences with mental health and fitness, discuss the benefits physical fitness has on mental health and give helpful tips on how to implement fitness into your life. But before we tell you about our ftiness and mental health expereince, let us introduce ourselves.

UAB URec Digital Assets Template Untitled Page 1My name is Gabe Green and I am currently a sophomore at UAB, majoring in Immunology on the Pre-Med track. Fitness has played an important role in my life since I was young as I have always played soccer. When I started at UAB, I began working out at the Rec Center as a way to stay in shape. Going on runs or lifting weights helps me through the stressful challenges that academics can sometimes cause. These exercises provide a way for me to blow off steam, escape the stressors of school and keep me motivated in pushing through any tough times I may face.

UAB URec Digital Assets Template Untitled PageMy name is Coren Pool and I am a second year at UAB pursuing majors in Neuroscience and Psychology. I have always used fitness as one of my coping mechanisms, but I began taking it more seriously later in high school as I was faced with more stress. I started out primarily lifting weights with a principal focus on training consistently. This kept me motivated and under a healthy amount of stress at the time, but it eventually started to negatively impact my self-image and body. I have since transitioned into a routine that is more well-rounded in how it affects my overall health. I took up practices like the Wim Hof method, meditation, yoga and less intense cardio to manage my new-found anxiety. All of these have been beneficial to me in some context, but the overall diversity of my routine is what largely keeps me committed, as I do not get bored with the repetition.

Mohammad AshourMy name is Mohammad Ashour and I am currently a sophomore majoring in Neuroscience on the Pre-Med track. Fitness has been an essential aspect of my college experience here at UAB. Working out between and after classes at the UAB Campus Recreation Center has allowed me to relieve stress while also staying in shape. This enabled me to continue being productive throughout my day as lifting weights helps alleviate mental exhaustion. Personally, physical activity contributed to growing my confidence and in turn reducing some of the anxiety associated with school. This has ultimately resulted in a more enjoyable academic experience.

So, add the Zoom link to you calendar and join us at noon on April 14, 2021!

Zoom ID: 920 091 1807
Password: 163695
Link: https://uab.zoom.us/j/9200911807?pwd=Rm91VXlZSlZPTGtDalgxRXMwVTZDZz09