Displaying items by tag: Academics News

As one of 163 worldwide, Hallman recognized for substantial contributions to emergency nursing
Nolan tapped among applicant pool of more than 170 scientists
Poe, Polancich poster presentation shines spotlight on UAB Nursing Partnership at QSEN National Forum
Tucker's dissertation selected best among 280 applications
Couple is first husband-wife team to graduate together from School's DNP Program
Kirklin Institute internship preparing PhD student Vo to be research nursing leader
Buys, Combs succeeding retiring Somerall as Co-Coordinators of School's Family Nurse Practitioner Specialty Track
American Association of Nurse Practitioners names Turnham state award winner
Cited for innovative and flexible academic programs, student engagement and community involvement
One faculty member, two alumnae to be inducted at AAN annual conference
Heaton named Fellow, student, alumnae win awards, another student awarded scholarship at conference
Recent additions bring to 33 the number of faculty, alumni who hold this designation
Wehunt one of nine statewide to receive 2017 Graduate Nursing Award
Bray's presentations, networking at SNRS highlights "incredible" learning opportunity
White impacting outcomes for ostomy patients with online post-operative visits
American Association of Nurse Practitioners names Talley state award winner
Edwards named Nurse Practitioner of the Year by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
PhD student Gordon receives two grants to study end-of-life care choice in African American families
Jackson receives county-wide honor eight months after graduation
PhD candidate Pack-Mabien receives grant to study care transition for sickle cell patients
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