Displaying items by tag: Research

PhD students will receive $150,000 in funding over next three years as they work towards their doctorates
Dr. Jeannie Rodriguez is co-investigator on effort to understand why African-American women experience a higher rate of preterm birth than Caucasian women
Loss of her mother to breast cancer sparked Bail's desire to help others through nursing research
Gathering of nation's top PhD students provides welcomed opportunity for receiving critical feedback, networking
Postdoctoral Fellow expounds on his scholarly work "Expanding Endpoints in Oncology Palliative Care to Include Family Caregivers"
Publication, co-authored by fellow UAB School of Nursing faculty and alumna, offers innovative approaches to nursing education that can significantly impact disaster responses
Crucial funding ensures the best and brightest nurses continue advanced nursing studies
School of Nursing faculty one of 55 nationwide selected for prestigious NIH/NIA program for investigators new to the field of aging research
Walker, Bakitas, Sipples to discuss methods for enhancing palliative care, oncology curricula at 2016 ICCN gathering in Hong Kong
Birmingham VA Medical Center Nurse Educator wants to complete her doctoral studies, become a full-time professor
Trip strengthen ties with Chiang Mai University, puts UAB faculty, doctoral education on global stage
PATH Clinic, Heart Failure Clinic, residents of rural Alabama areas will benefit from Federal agency's focus on improving health equality
Funding will help mentor, mentee continue research into various aspects of military nursing
Award will help further her research into sleep issues in children with neurodevelopmental problems
Nomination by mentee Dionne-Odom lauds School professor as 'brilliant, inspiring and dedicated'
Dionne-Odom developing health-coaching program for caregivers of persons with advanced cancer
Goal of research project is to guide development of future cognitive interventions for breast cancer survivors
UAB School of Nursing colleagues mark special day with ceremony, reception
Dr. Gail D'Eramo Melkus to deliver keynote address on 'T2 Diabetes Biobehavioral Research: A Platform for Mentoring'
NINR diversity supplement will fund study of religion, relationships among African American heart-failure patients, their caregivers and their clinicians
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