Reporter Staff

Reporter Staff

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If you are 14 to 39 years of age, less than 18 weeks pregnant, and planning to deliver at UAB, you may be eligible for our education-based study. This study focuses on learning about healthy behaviors and how to make positive changes that could lead to a healthier pregnancy for you and your baby. Four study visits are spread out over 13 weeks during pregnancy, and one brief post-delivery visit where study staff visit participants in the post-partum unit. Participation includes a one-on-one education session, answering several questionnaires, and collecting lab work, including blood, mouth swabs & self-collected urine samples, and vaginal swabs. Also, three times during the study, participants are given a packet to collect two swabs at home and mail them in. Participants are compensated $230 for completing all study visits and specimens. For more information, please call Leslie Black at 205-919-5945, email, or text 256-934-4991.
The AWARE Disability Management Program is celebrating Veterans Day 2023 with Pop-Up Poppy Stops across campus Nov. 7 and a toiletry drive benefiting the Birmingham VA Medical Center Phoenix Clinic, November 6-17.

Visit permanent virtual exhibits “Monsters, Marvels and Mythical Beasts” and “Witchcraft, Women and the Healing Arts in the Early Modern Period," take a virtual-reality tour of Reynolds-Finley Historical Library, and see photos from rare books, manuscripts, journals and pamphlets that can be seen in-person in RFHL.

UAB is looking for participants for a study investigating the effects of a new study medication on symptoms of fibromyalgia. We are looking for women aged 25-65 who are diagnosed with fibromyalgia OR are experiencing chronic widespread bodily pain. Participants will come to UAB for 7 study visits over a 3-month period. Participants will be compensated for completing all study visits.

Please call 205-996-1198 if interested.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate if COPD is caused by exposure to heavy metals. This study will include a medical history review, a brief physical examination, spirometry, exhaled breath condensate, urine sample, blood collection, and a bronchoscopy/bronchoalveolar lavage procedure. Those who qualify will receive compensation for their time. Participation is voluntary. Participants in the study must: be 18 to 65 years of age; live in defined zip codes, 35207, 35217, 35214; and fulfill other eligibility criteria to include a medical and medication history for evaluation. For more information, please call (205) 996-1769 or email
The purpose of this research study is to analyze cells and fluid obtained from the lungs and determine mechanism(s) by which these cells are impaired in their ability to reduce the severity of lung infections. This study will include a medical history review, a brief physical examination, spirometry, and a bronchoscopy/bronchoalveolar lavage procedure. Those who qualify will receive compensation for their time. Participation is voluntary. Participants in the study must: be 18 to 65 years of age; live in defined zip codes, 35207, 35217, 35214; and fulfill other eligibility criteria to include a medical and medication history for evaluation. For more information, please call (205) 996-1769 or email
We are asking you to take part in this research study because you are a resident of North Birmingham or Tarrant and may have exposure to arsenic due to industrial activity in the area. This research study is now enrolling adults within the zip codes, 35207 and 35217. After confirming enrollment eligibility, those who qualify will be randomized to receive either folic acid supplementation or a placebo at no cost. We will collect a brief medical and medication history, collect samples of urine and blood, perform spirometry testing, and complete a respiratory questionnaire.

Participation is voluntary, and you will be compensated for your time. Participants in the study must: be 18 to 65 years of age; a resident of 35207 or 35217 zip codes; not currently pregnant or currently taking folic acid; and fulfill other eligibility criteria. For more information, please call (205) 996-1769 or email
Continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps can help patients “live a quality life without burning out on managing diabetes,” said Ananda Basu, M.D., director of the Diabetes Technology Program at UAB.
After an extensive national search, UAB has named Virginia M. Hedberg as the associate vice president for Research and executive director of Sponsored Programs, effective Jan. 15, 2024.
In observance of Media Literacy Week Oct. 23-27, Brooke Becker, media literacy librarian in UAB Libraries, shares expert tips on how to be a shrewd media consumer in the 21st century.
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